5.1.2 Performance Overview Tab

All reports on this tab focus on the policy performance perspective. The reports represent business performance through a policy performance perspective.

The filters of this tab include:

  • Time
  • Company
  • Geography

The various reports available under this tab are discussed in the following sections.

Customer and Policy

This report provides enterprise-wide performance with customer and policy information overtime a period. Various performance metrics-based measures, for example, the number of New Customers, Number of Closed Customers, and so on for the reporting period selected, are compared with the previous periods and displayed. It shows enterprise performance through customers and policies. This report can be viewed and tracked through control areas like Time, Company, and Geography. The values are in the Line Graph.

Figure 5-7 Customer and Policy

Customer and Policy

Income Statement

At an enterprise level, performance through various financial indicators can be tracked through an Income Statement. This helps to understand the company's financial position at a given point in time. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts. The values are in a table.

Figure 5-8 Income Statement

Income Statement


This report shows counts of policies for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-9 Policy


Premium Trends

This report shows a trend in revenue through different types of premium, for example, Written Premium, Earned Premium, and Ceded Premium, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. The Premium Trends report contains the following report level filters:

  • Written Premium
  • Earned Premium
  • Collected Premium
  • Uncollected Earned Premium
  • Retained Premium
  • Ceded Premium
This report can be viewed by individual premium type or all types together through a line graph. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-10 Premium Trends

Premium Trends

Written Premium versus Earned Premium Trend

This report shows the trend in revenue and a comparison between Written Premium and Earned Premium, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This Trend can further be viewed and analyzed through report level filters like Lines of business and Products for more granularities, through a stacked bar graph. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-11 Written Premium vs. Earned Premium Trend

Written Premium vs. Earned Premium Trend

Earned Premium versus Uncollected Earned Premium

This report shows a trend in the actual collection of earned premium through a comparison between earned premium, collected premium, and uncollected earned premium. This report shows at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This Trend can further be viewed and analyzed through report level filters like Lines of business and Products for more granularities. The values are in a stacked bar graph. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-12 Earned Premium vs. Uncollected Earned Premium

Earned Premium vs. Uncollected Earned Premium

Policy Expense Summary Trend

This report shows policy-related expenses under different expense heads at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This Trend can further be viewed and analyzed through report level filters like Lines of business and Products for more granularities. The values are in a clustered bar graph. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-13 Policy Expense Summary Trend

Policy Expense Summary Trend

New Business Quote Count

This report shows the number of quotes generated for new business, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-14 New Business Quote Count

New Business Quote Count


This report shows fee income generated, earned, collected, and refunded, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-15 Fee



This report shows the premium tax trend for tax generated, earned, and collected, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-16 Tax


Policy Expense versus Claim Expense

This trend report shows a comparison between policy expenses and claim expenses, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This report can be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-17 Policy Expense versus Claim Expense

Policy Expense versus Claim Expense

Claim Payment versus Recovery Trends

This report shows a comparison between claim payments and recoveries made as well as the trend in various types of recoveries at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This Trend can further be viewed and analyzed through the following report level filters for more granularities:

  • Claim Payments
  • All recovery Payments
  • Fraud Recovery
  • Litigation Recovery
  • Reinsurance Recovery
  • Subrogation Recovery
  • Salvage Recovery
The values are in a line graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-18 Claim Payment versus Recovery Trends

Claim Payment versus Recovery Trends

Claim Expense Summary Trend

This report shows a trend and comparison between various types of claim expenses at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. This Trend can further be viewed and analyzed through the report level filters, Lines of business and products, for more granularities. The values are in a clustered bar graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-19 Claim Expense Summary Trend

Claim Expense Summary Trend

Loss and Expense

This report shows a trend and comparison between underwriting expense and various types of loss adjustment expenses along with actual claim payments and litigation expenses at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. The values are in a line graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-20 Loss and Expense

Loss and Expense

Claim Recovery

This report shows a trend in various types of recoveries as well as the extent of recoveries against paid losses, at an enterprise level, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. The values are in a line graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-21 Claim Recovery

Claim Recovery

Key Performance Ratios

This report shows the trend in various key performance metrics, that is, combined ratio, operating ratio, commission ratio, loss ratio, and so on for all lines of businesses and underlying products over a selected period. Values are in a line graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-22 Key Performance Ratios

Key Performance Ratios

Key Performance Indicators for Policy

This report shows the trend in two key policy performance indicators that is the gross premium growth rate and attrition ratio, for all lines of businesses and underlying products through a time series. The values are in a line graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-23 Key Performance Indicators for Policy

Key Performance Indicators for Policy

Key Performance Indicators for Claims

This report shows a trend in two key claim performance indicators, average values of claim frequency and claim severity, for all lines of businesses, and underlying products through a time series. The values are in a line graph. This report can also be analyzed over various periods, entities, and geographies selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 5-24 Key Performance Indicators for Claims

Key Performance Indicators for Claims