3 Viewing and Searching Cases

This section describes how to view a case and multiple ways to search cases and select case(s) for investigation.

About All Case Types

The All Case Types tab displays a list of all types of cases. And, the cases that are assigned to the logged in user and that are in open status. Based on your role privileges, you can select a case by clicking the corresponding Case ID link to view the details, analyze, and resolve it. To view all the cases for which you have access to, click the All Cases button. All the cases both open and close are all listed.

You can view the AML and the AML sub-type cases on the AML Cases tab, CS and CS sub-type cases on the CS Cases tab, KYC and KYC sub-type cases on the KYC Cases tab and TF and TF sub-type cases on the TF Cases tab.


To view the actions you can take on a case, select a case and then click the Update drop-down menu. The available options are Case Details, Assignee, Status, and Evidence.

The following table lists all the field names displayed on the cases tab based on the case type selected.

Table 3-1 Case List and Search - Columns and Descriptions based on Case Type

Column Description
Case ID The unique case identification number. This is a link navigate to the Case Summary Page for further analysis.
Case Title The title of the case. This will be generated automatically, based on the Case Type. You can also edit the Case Title on the Case Context page.
Case Description The description of the case.
Priority The priority which has been assigned to the case. Possible options are High, Medium, and Low.
Case Type A logical grouping of cases. For example, AML, CS, and KYC.


The supported case types are AML_SURV, CS, KYC and TF cases.

Case Status Status the case is currently in. For example, New, Investigation, Pending Review, or Closed.
Reason The reason selected for the last resolution action performed.
Case Age Specify a case's age in the number of days. A case's age is calculated as the number of calendar days between its date of creation and the current date.
Due Date Date by which action must be taken on the case.
Events Count The number of events associated with this case.
Assignee The user to this case is currently assigned to.
Case Resolution Comments The reason selected for the last resolution action performed.
Created On Date when the case was created.
Jurisdiction The name of the jurisdiction under which the case was filled.
Scenarios The scenario associated with this case event.
Entity Risk Displays risk of the primary entity.
Risk Assessment ID Displays the unique risk assessment ID assigned for the case in the application.
Application ID Displays the unique ID for the application which triggered the risk assessment.
Batch Type Displays the type of batch associated with this risk assessment. For example, Deployment Initiation (DI), Periodic Review, New Account Review, and Accelerated Review (ARR).
KYC Risk Score Displays the risk score of the profile.
KYC Risk Category Displays the risk category assigned to the case.
Next Review Date Displays the next review date when customer should be considered for risk assessment review.
Overridden Risk Score Displays the risk score overwritten over the system generated risk score.
Overridden Risk Category Displays the overwritten category of the risk assessment.
Overridden Review Date Displays the overridden review date when customer should be considered for risk assessment review.
Case Closure Date By when the case has to be closed.
Amount Displays the transaction amount value details.
Currency Displays the currency name.
Message Category  
Message Direction  
Message Reference Displays the message reference details.
Message Type Displays the message type details
Transaction Reference Displays the transaction reference details.


The columns can be customized using the Actions menu. For more information, see the Using Interactive Reports section.

On the Case List View page, click the Case ID link to view details of the selected case. When you return to the Case List View page after viewing a case, any tabs that you have opened, search criteria you have applied, or pagination settings are retained.

Using the Search Bar

You can filter, search and customize the reports by using options on the search bar. For more information, see the Using Interactive Reports section.

Using the Column Heading Option

Clicking a column heading in an interactive report displays the Column Heading option. The options are:
  • Sort Ascending: Sorts the report by the column in ascending order.
  • Sort Descending: Sorts the report by the column in descending order.
  • Hide Column: Hides the column.
  • Control Break: Creates a break group on the column. This pulls the column out of the report as a master record. For more information, see the Creating a Control Break section.
  • Filter: Enter a case-insensitive search criteria. Entering a value reduces the list of values at the bottom of the menu. You can then select a value from the bottom. The selected value will be created as a filter using either the equal sign (=) or contains depending on the List of Values Column Filter Type.