1.2.1 Adding a Record

Use the CIP Verified Status window to add a new record.

To add a record, follow these steps:
  1. Click Add CIP Verified Status Add CIP Verified Status to open the Add CIP Verified Status window.
  2. Enter the values as mentioned in the following table.

    Table 1-2 Fields and Description - CIP Verified Status

    Fields Description
    Code Enter the status code.

    Valid values are Alphanumeric and underscore with maximum length of 30.

    Name Enter the status name.

    The maximum allowed length is 255.


    All the fields are mandatory.
  3. Click Save and click OK to save the record. A new record appears on the CIP Verified Status grid.
  4. Click Reset and click OK if you want to clear all the fields and enter new values.