1.7.1 Adding a Record

Use the Periodic Review Assessment Configuration window to add a new record.


  • You must add a risk category type and next assessment due (in month) for each jurisdiction.
  • This screen must have the configuration for all the Risk Categories in Risk Assessment widget in the Pipeline.
To add a record, follow these steps:
  1. Click Add Jurisdiction Add Jurisdiction to open the Jurisdictions window.
  2. Select a jurisdiction.
  3. Click Add Risk Category Add Risk Category to add the Risk Category and Next Assessment Due (In Month) details.
  4. Enter the values as mentioned in the following table.

    Table 1-5 Fields and Description - Periodic review Assessment

    Fields Description
    Risk Category Select the required risk category as high/medium/low from the risk category drop-down.
    Next Assessment Due (In Month) Enter the next assessment due date as a number of months in the input box against the selected risk category.


    All the fields are mandatory.
  5. Click Save Save and click OK to save the record.
  6. Under the Actions, click Reset Reset and click OK if you want to clear the selected Risk Category and Next Assessment Due (In Month) fields and enter new values.
  7. Under the Actions, click Cancel Cancel and click OK if you want to clear the selected Risk Category and Next Assessment Due (In Month) fields and enter new values.