1.3.1 Adding a Record

Use the Add Custom Risk Indicator window to add a new record.

To add a record, follow these steps:
  1. Click Add Custom Risk Indicator Add Custom Risk Indicator
  2. Enter the values as mentioned in the following table.

    Table 1-3 Fields and Description - Add Custom Risk Indicator

    Fields Description
    Risk Indicator Category Select a risk indicator category from the list:
    • Data Model Extension
    • Transaction Risk Indicator
    Table Name This field is displayed when Risk Indicator Category is Data Model Extension.

    Select a table from the list:

    • KYC Account Dimension Extension
    • KYC Customer Dimension Extension
    Risk Indicator Pipeline Lists the KYC Scenario pipelines and other copied transaction pipelines. Select a risk indicator pipeline from the list.

    This field is displayed when Risk Indicator Category is Transaction Risk Indicator.

    For example: KYC Transaction Based Risk Factors.

    Field Name

    You add the columns for Data Model Extension and Transaction Risk Indicator using the Data Model Extension and Risk Element Configuration screens.You can select risk indicators which are inside the pipeline.
    Select a Field Name from the list.

    When Risk Indicator Category is Transaction Risk Indicator, this field is auto-populated based on Risk Indicator Pipeline.

    For example: KYC Transaction Based Risk Factors

    When Risk Indicator Category is Data Model Extension this Field is auto-populated based on Table Name.

    For example: KYC Customer Dimension Extension

    Data Type This field is auto-populated based on Field Name.
    Risk Indicator Type Based on the Data Type, select a risk indicator type from the list.
    Risk Indicator Sub Type Select a risk indicator sub type from the following:
    • Amount
    • Ratio
    • Count
    Risk Element Mapping Code Enter a unique risk element mapping code that has not been used before. You can enter up to 20 characters. Allowed characters are numbers, alphabets, and underscore.

    For example: DEBIT_TXN_AMNT


    Click the in-line Help icon to view all existing risk element mapping codes already configured in the system
    Risk Element Mapping Name Enter a unique risk element mapping name. You can enter up to 255 characters. Allowed characters are numbers, alphabets, space, hyphen, and underscore.

    For example: Debit Transaction Amount

    Master Data Mapping Lists the Master Data currently available in the system, Generic Master Data or KYC Admin menu items.


    The field populates only selective master data list that are applicable for - Fields Data Type & Risk Indicator Type.


    All the fields are mandatory.
  3. Click Save and click OK to save the record. A new record appears on the Custom Risk Indicator grid.
  4. Click Reset and click OK if you want to clear all the fields and enter new values.