1.12.1 Adding a Record

Use the Risk Element Configuration window to add a new record.


  • Do not Add Risk Elements using Deactivated Behavioral Risk Indicator Risk Element Mapping Names.
  • Do not Activate an already Deactivated risk element with Risk Element Mapping that is Deactivated in the Behavioral Risk Indicator window.
To add a record, follow these steps:
  1. Click Add Risk Element Add Risk Element to open the Add Risk Element Configuration window.
    By default, the new record’s Risk Element status ID is Active. You can make it Inactive only after saving the record.
  2. Select the Entity Type as Prospect or Customer. For adding risk element records to run KYC Risk Factor pipelines, select Customer.
  3. Enter the values as mentioned in the following table.

    Table 1-10 Fields and Description - Risk Element Configuration

    Fields Description
    Risk Element Code Enter the risk element code.

    Valid values are Alphanumeric and underscore with maximum length of 20.

    Risk Element Name Enter the risk element name. This name appears for selection while configuring the algorithmic scoring and business check rules.

    Valid values are Alphanumeric, Underscore, Comma, Hyphen, and Space with maximum length of 100.

    Risk Element Description Enter the risk element description.
    Prospect/Customer Type(s) Select one or mutiple customer types from the drop-down list. The available options are:
    • Individual
    • Financial Institution
    • Organization
    Risk Dimension Select an option from the Risk Dimension drop-down.
    KYC Check(s) Select KYC checks as applicable for the given risk element from the drop-down list. The available options are:
    • Algorithmic Scoring
    • Business Check
    Risk Element Mapping Select the risk element mapping as Look Up if you want to add a rule on any risk element except watchlist or select Others to add a rule on watchlist.

    Select the mapping values from the drop-down list. Based on the selected Customer Type(s) and KYC Check(s), the Risk Element Mapping drop-down values will be populated.


    You can create a Risk Element rule by combining up to two Risk Elements. For a combination rule, none of the two risk elements (for example, Age Of Incorporation or Length Of Relationship) should be range-based.
    Language Select the language from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Save and click OK to save the record. The new record appears on the Risk Element Configuration grid.
  5. Click Reset and click OK if you want to clear all the fields and enter new values.