2 Integrating KYC with External Case Management System

You can integrate KYC with any external Case Management system to create cases using the Risk Assessments generated by KYC.

To integrate KYC with External Case Management system, follow these steps:
  1. Configure the KYC Customer RA Export pipeline to extract the risk assessments. This will generate a CSV file containing the required risk assessments and the same will be available in object store. This can be consumed by the External case management system. For more information on Object store utility, see Data Loading Guide.


    KYCCustomerRAExport is a pre-shipped batch containing the above pipeline. You can run this batch independently or create an additional task in the KYCDaily batch and map it to KYC Customer RA Export pipeline.
  2. Once the cases are acted upon, the case feedback details are to be fed back to KYC system.
  3. To send the feedback to KYC, create the External Case Management feedback STG_FCC_CRM_FEEDBACK.csv file and push it to object store. For more information on the CSV file format, seeSample Templates for Data Loading on My Oracle Support.


    The N_REQUEST_ID, N_RA_ID and FIC_MIS_DATE are composite primary keys. Make sure to check the following points while feeding External Case Management feedback into KYC via STG_FCC_CRM_FEEDBACK.csv file.
    • Each of N_REQUEST_ID, N_RA_ID and FIC_MIS_DATE columns can never be null.
    • N_REQUEST_ID, N_RA_ID and FIC_MIS_DATE columns together must be unique such that for a given FIC_MIS_DATE, the N_RA_ID and N_REQUEST_ID combination cannot be repeated.
    • All the batch RA records must always be having N_REQUEST_ID column value as 0.
  4. Add Load CRM Feedback To KYC pipeline to the KYCDaily batch. For more information on updating the KYCDaily batch, see the KYCDaily Batch Details section in Pipeline Designer Guide.
  5. Once the updated KYCDaily batch runs successfully, the feedback gets updated in the KYC.