5 Feedback JSON

For every request JSON sent, a feedback response JSON is generated and stored in the database.

To view the JSON, an API call must be made.

The response has the following main elements:
  • Status: This displays the status of the risk assessment creation.
  • Case ID: This is a unique ID that is generated by the Enterprise Case Management (ECM) system when a case is created. Use this ID to search for the case in the Search Fields section. For more information, see Performing Real-Time Screening.
  • Application ID: This is a unique ID that is generated after the onboarding JSON is sent to the onboarding service.
  • Onboarding Flag: This is a flag that displays the recommended option to onboard the primary applicant or not.
  • Risk Assessment ID: This field displays the risk assessment ID, based on the value of the Perform KYC for only Primary Prospect flag.

Samples of Feedback JSON

The following is a sample response JSON which is generated when a risk assessment is successfully created when Onboarding Flag is set to N.


"Status": "SUCCESSFUL",

"Case ID": "CA681",

"Application ID": "ApplicationID-2013A3PS342H",

"Onboarding Flag": "N",

"Request ID": 21,

"Risk Assessments": [{

"Risk Assessment ID": 21,

"Applicant ID": "Applicant-10002"

}, {

  "Risk Assessment ID": 22,  "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10001"


 {  "Risk Assessment ID": 23,  "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10003"


 {  "Risk Assessment ID": 24,  "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10004"



The following is a sample response JSON which is generated when a risk assessment is successfully created when Onboarding Flag is set to Y.



 "Status": "SUCCESSFUL",


"Application ID": "ApplicationID-2013A3PS342H",


"Onboarding Flag": "Y",


"Request ID": 21, "Risk Assessments":



"Risk Assessment ID": 21, "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10002" },

{  "Risk Assessment ID": 22,  "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10001" },

{  "Risk Assessment ID": 23,  "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10003"},

{  "Risk Assessment ID": 24,  "Applicant ID": "Applicant-10004" }



The following is a sample response JSON which is generated when a risk assessment is not created.



"Status": "FAILED",

"Errors": [



"MESSAGE": "Failed : HTTP error code : 500",

"componentType": "BUSINESSCHECK",


"STEP": "kycob-businesscheck-service/v1/EXECUTE",

"INPUTS": [{ "data": "{\"STATUS\":\"SUCCESS\",\"name\":\"Prospect\"}",

"name": "Prospect", "type": "PROSPECTJSON" }],

"componentName": "Business Check" }],

"Application ID": "ApplicationID-2013A3PS342H",

"Request ID": 31
