3.2.3 Real-Time KYC Prospect Feedback Parameters

This section describes request and response parameters.

Request Parameters

The following table explains the Response field for csxe-real-time / execute Real-Time.

Table 3-5 Request Parameters

Parameter Value Type Description
Request ID Integer System generated unique request identification number. For example, “254697908”l.

Response Parameters

The following list explains the Response fields for individual - /kycob-prospect-service/prospect/v1/getFeedbackByRequestID/{requestID}

Table 3-6 Response Parameters

Parameter Value Type Description
Request ID String Request ID generated for an individual.
Status String The status of the request whether successful or failure.
Case ID String The unique case identification if case is created in Case Investigation service. For example, “CA1004”.
Application ID String The unique application identification.
Onboarding Flag String Indicates onboarding flag whether Yes or No. KYC decision to onboard or reject the prospect. For example, “N”.

Note: If the process is failure, this parameter is not mandatory.

Risk Assessment ID String System generated unique risk assessment unique number. For example, “144”.

Note: If the process is failure, this parameter is not mandatory.

Applicant ID String Unique applicant ID. For example, “TUDEU45688”.

Note: If the process is failure, this parameter is not mandatory.

Risk Assessment Score String KYC risk Assessment score for the primary/non-primary prospect. For example,“84”.

Note: If the process is failure, this parameter is not mandatory.

Risk Assessment Category String KYC risk Assessment category for the primary/non-primary prospect. For example,“HIGH”.

Note: If the process is failure, this parameter is not mandatory.