4.1.3 Real-Time KYC Risk Assessment Parameters

This section describes request and response for JSON parameters.

Request JSON Parameters


The Data Type of the Account Type and Type Of Account Opening parameters are updated from String to Array.
The following table provides the list of parameters for request JSON.

Table 4-1 Request JSON Parameters

Parameter Value Type Description
Application ID String Unique Application ID generated by the onboarding system for each request.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Request User ID String The person/process (ID/Name) who is sending the onboarding request to KYC system.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Account Opening Jurisdiction String The jurisdiction where account is opened.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Relationship Team Code String The unique relationship code of the team.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Business Domain String The corresponding business domain of the applicant.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Data Origin String Captures source system details responsible for onboarding requests.
SynchAPIFlag String To invoke the API synchronous or asynchronous manner. The output of the onboarding API changes based on the SynchAPIFlag. The expected values are Y or N. If the field is not provided, the value will be considered N.

Table 4-2 Request JSON Parameters for Prospect

Parameter Value Type Description
Application ID String Unique identification of the applicant that needs to process.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Prospect Jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the prospect.
Primary Prospect Flag String The flag indicates prospect as primary.

Format - Y, N.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Prospect Type String The type of the prospect.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Display Name String Captures the display name of the prospect.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

SSN/TIN String Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Organization Name String The name of the organization.
Organization Legal Structure String The legal structure of the organization.
Customer Segment String Array Refers to the customer segment for the applicant (e.g. Retail Banking - Individual, Priority Banking, SME, Corporate Banking, Wealth Management etc,)
Country Of Incorporation String The country in which organization is incorporated.
Country Of Taxation String The country where organization pays its primary tax.
Date Of Incorporation String The date on which the organization is incorporated.
Is Linked to related party who is PEP String Flag indicating if any of the related applicant is a PEP (Y/N).
Expected to Transact with high Risk Country String Flag to indicate if the applicant is expected to transact with a pre-defined high risk country (Y/N).
Is National of Sanctioned Country Flag String Flag indicating if primary or any of the secondary applicants is national of a Sanctioned country (Y/N).
Region Company Is Licensed To Operate In String Array The value indicates where the company is licensed to operate in a jurisdiction (like a Special Economic Zone, Mainland).
NAICS Code String Array The code of North American Industry Classification System.
Website URL String The website URL of the organization.
Public Or Private String The organization is private or public.
Industry String Array The industry to which the organization belongs to.
CIP Verified Status String The Customer Identification Procedures (CIP) status of the prospect.
CIP Exempt Flag String The flag indicates if this prospect can be exempted from identity verification.
CIP Verified Flag String The flag indicates whether identity verification is done.
PEP Flag String Array The flag indicates whether this prospect is politically exposed person (PEP).
Family PEP Flag String The flag indicates whether this prospect belongs to a politically exposed person (PEP) family.
Existing Internal ID String Prospect identifier who is an existing customer of the institution.
Account Type Array The account type of the prospect.
Type Of Account Opening Array The account opening method of the prospect.
Length Of Relationship Number Risk associated with the length of relationship a prospect has with the bank or FI.
Industry String Industry of the prospect's employer.
Address Purpose Code String Purpose or usage of the address provided by the prospect. For example, Mailing Address or Business Address.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Building Number String Building number of the prospect's address.
Building Name String Building name of the prospect's address.
Street String The street name of the prospect's address.
Street Line 1 String The street lane of the prospect's address.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Street Line 2 String The street lane of the prospect's address.
Street Line 3 String The street lane of the prospect's address.
Street Line 4 String The street lane of the prospect's address.
Street Line 5 String The street lane of the prospect's address.
Street Line 6 String The street lane of the prospect's address.
Area String The area of the prospect's address.
City String The city of the prospect's address.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

State String The state of the prospect's address.
Region String The region of the prospect's address.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Country String The country of the prospect's address.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Postal Code String The postal of the prospect's address.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Relationship Type String The relationship of the prospect with country.

Note: This field is required only if Country parameter is provided.

Country String The country of the prospect.

Note: This field is required only if Country parameter is provided.

Credit Rating String Rating for the prospect as issued by the credit rating source.

Note: This field is required only if Credit Rating parameter is provided.

Credit Rating Source String Rating source for the prospect as issued by the credit rating source.

Note: This field is required only if Credit Rating parameter is provided.

Credit Rating Score Number Credit rating score for the prospect as issued by the credit rating source.
Email Purpose String The purpose of email used for.
Email Sequence Number String The email sequence number.
Email Address String The email address of the prospect.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Stated Total Liquid Net Worth Base Number The stated total liquid net worth base of the prospect.
Income Currency String The income currency used by the prospect.
Stated Total Net Worth Base Number The stated total net worth base of the prospect.
Stated Total Annual Turnover Number Total declared turnover amount for a legal entity.
Stated Annual Proportion of Cash Transaction Number Percentage Value indicating the proportion of annual cash transaction amount compared to overall annual transaction amount (e.g., 25%, 40%, etc.)
Market Served String The number of market days served by this organization.

Note: This field is required only if Market Served parameter is provided.

Service Effective Date String Effective Date of the market served by this organization.

Note: This field is required only if Market Served parameter is provided.

Service Expiration Date String Expiry Date of the market served by this organization.

Note: This field is required only if Market Served parameter is provided. It is Applicable to Financial Institutions only.

Phone Purpose String The purpose of the phone used for.

Note: This field is required only if Phone parameter is provided.

Phone Sequence Number String The phone sequence number.

Note: This field is required only if Phone parameter is provided.

Country Code Of Phone Number String The country code of phone number.

Note: This field is required only if Phone parameter is provided.

Phone Number String The prospect's phone number.

Note: This field is required only if Phone parameter is provided.

Phone Extension String The extension of the phone number.
Document Purpose String The purpose of document.

Note: This field is required only if Document parameter is provided.

Document Number String The unique number of document.

Note: This field is required only if Document parameter is provided.

Document Name String The name of the document.

Note: This field is required only if Document parameter is provided.

Machine Readable Zone 1 String The machine readable zone 1 of the document which is provided as a reference for identity verification.
Machine Readable Zone 2 String The machine readable zone 2 of the document which is provided as a reference for identity verification.
Issuing District String The document issuing district.
Issuing Province String The document issuing province.
Issuing City String The document issuing city.
Issuing State String The document issuing state.
Issuing County String The document issuing country.
Issuing Date String The document issuing date.

Format: DD/MM/YYYY

Expiry Date String The document expiry date.
Issuing Authority String The document issuing authority.
Beneficial Owner Controlling Flag String Flag indicating if the beneficial owner has controlling role over the decisions of the organization. This can accept only Y or N.
Percentage Ownership Number The percentage of the equity/ownership held by a beneficial owner.
Relationship Code String The relationship the beneficial owner/related party has with the primary prospect. For example, Director, beneficial Trustee, and so on.

Note: This field is required if Primary Prospect Flag is "N".

Relationship Effective Date String The relationship effective date.

Format: DD/MM/YYYY

Relationship Expiration Date String The relationship expiry date.

Format: DD/MM/YYYY

Response JSON Parameters

This section provides the list of parameters for response JSON.

The following parameter explains the Response field for /kycob-prospect-service/prospect/v1/add

The following table (response) is applicable only if SynchAPIFlag=N.

Table 4-3 Response JSON Parameters

Parameter Value Type Description
Application ID String Unique application ID, For example, "APP18948970808".

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Request ID Integer System generated unique request identification number. For example, “254697908”l.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

The following table (response) is applicable only if SynchAPIFlag=Y.

Table 4-4 Response JSON Parameters

Parameter Value Type Description
Request ID String Request ID generated for an individual.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Status String The status of the request whether successful or failure.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Case ID String The unique case identification if case is created in Case Investigation service. For example, “CA1004”
Application ID String The unique application identification.

Note: This parameter is mandatory.

Onboarding Flag String Indicates onboarding flag whether Yes or No. KYC decision to onboard or reject the prospect. For example, “N”

Note: If the process failure, this is not mandatory. This parameter is mandatory.

Risk Assessment ID String System generated unique risk assessment unique number. For example, “144”

Note: If the process failure, this is not mandatory. This parameter is mandatory.

Applicant ID String Unique applicant ID. For example, “TUDEU45688”

Note: If the process failure, this is not mandatory. This parameter is mandatory.

Risk Score String KYC risk score for the primary/non-primary prospect. For example,“84”.

Note: If the process failure, this is not mandatory. This parameter is mandatory.

Risk Category String KYC risk category for the primary/non-primary prospect. For example,“HIGH”.

Note: If the process failure, this is not mandatory. This parameter is mandatory.