B.11 Adding a Custom Run Purpose

To add a new custom run purpose, follow the below steps to add an entry in the Lookup and Process Purpose Map tables:
  1. Add an entry in the table FSI_LRM_LOOKUP_TL
  2. Execute the below SQL query in the atomic schema by replacing the placeholders PURPOSE_ID and PURPOSE_DESCRIPTION.
    values ('##PURPOSE_ID##', 'en_US', '10', '##PURPOSE_DESCRIPTION##')  /
    PURPOSE_ID value is any value greater than 50.
    PURPOSE_DESCRIPTION is a description of the new purpose.
  3. Add an entry in table FSI_LRM_PROCESS_PURPOSE_MAP
  4. Add the task entries for the ##PURPOSE_ID## added in step 1, in the Process Purpose map table for both Contractual and BAU Runs. This gives the pre and post Tasks in the Run.
  5. To enable the NSFR option for any of the custom run purposes, enter the respective Run purpose code as comma separated values against the component code ‘NSFR_ENABLED’ in the setup_master table. This code enables the NSFR option in the Run Management screen for the mentioned purposes.
    select * from setup_master where v_component_code like 'NSFR_ENABLED'
  6. If the added custom run purpose is to compute Intraday Metrics, then, enter the respective Run purpose code with comma separated values against the component code ‘LRM_INTRADAY_ENABLED’ in the setup_master table. This code enables the intraday related fields/options in the Run Management screen for the mentioned run purpose.
    "select * from setup_master where v_component_code ='LRM_INTRADAY_ENABLED;"