8.9.2 Approving a business assumption definition

To approve a business assumption, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Business Assumption on the LHS menu of the LRM Application to open the Business Assumption Summary window. Only assumptions which are in “Pending Approval” status can be approved or rejected by the approver.
  2. Click
    check box

    to select a definition with the status “Pending Approval” from the list of business assumptions and then click


    Figure 7-10 Business Assumption Summary – Pending Approval

    Business Assumption Summary – Pending Approval

    The Business Assumption Definition window is displayed with all the parameters defined.

    Figure 7-11 Business Assumption Summary – Approve/Reject

    Business Assumption Summary – Approve/Reject

  3. To approve the definition that is sent for authorization, click Approve.

    The Approve dialog box is displayed with the assumption name and description.

    Figure 7-12 Business Assumptions - Approve

    Business Assumptions - Approve

  4. Enter Approver comments and then click Approve.
  5. To reject the definition that is sent for authorization, click Reject.

    The Reject dialog box is displayed with the assumption name and description.

    Figure 7-13 Business Assumptions - Reject

    Business Assumptions - Reject

  6. Enter Approver comments and then click Reject.
  7. Click

    icon to view the summary of the entire approval workflow. It displays approval history showing the start date, completion date, status owner and comments if any.

    Figure 7-14 Business Assumptions – Approval Summary

    Business Assumptions – Approval Summary


    The Approve or Reject buttons are present only for the users who have the right to approve or reject the definition.

    In case the definition is rejected, it changes back to ‘Open’ status. When the definition is in open status, click View to view the definition. You cannot edit the values in view window.