13.4.1 Approximation of Interest Cash Flows

OFS LRM takes both principal and interest cash flows into consideration based on user selection. Calculation of the impact of each business assumption on interest cash flows is supported in two ways:
  • Business assumption values are applied to both principal and interest cash flows
  • ยท Assumption values are applied to principal cash flows only and interest is approximated
If you select the Include Interest Cash flow parameter in the Run Definition window as Yes, both principal and interest cash flows are taken considered for calculations. If you select the Approximate Interest parameter as Yes, then the business assumption is applied only to the principal cash flows and the interest cash flows are approximated based on changes to the principal. If you select Include Interest Cash flow parameter is selected as Yes and Approximate Interest parameter is selected as No, the business assumption values are applied to both principal and interest cash flows. However, this application depends on the manner in which the business assumption is defined as follows:
  • If you have selected Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption and the dimension member as Principal, then assumption is applied only to the principal cash flows.
  • If you have selected Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption and the dimension member as Interest, then assumption impacts only Interest cash flows.
  • If you have selected Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption and the dimension member as Principal and Interest, then assumption is applied to both principal and interest cash flows.
  • If you have not selected Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption, then assumption is applied to both principal and interest cash flows.

If Include Interest Cash Flow parameter is selected as No, only principal cash flows are considered and interest cash flows are ignored.

The procedure for approximating interest is provided below:
  1. Obtain the principal and interest cash flows under contractual terms.
  2. Bucket the contractual cash flows based on the user specified time buckets while distinguishing between interest and principal cash flows in each time bucket.
  3. Calculate the outstanding balance in each bucket under contractual terms. The outstanding balance in the first time bucket will be the EOP balance. The formula for calculating the outstanding balance for each subsequent bucket is as follows:
    Formula for calculating the outstanding balance


    O/S Balance : Outstanding Balance

    CF : Cash Flows

  4. Apply the business assumption to estimate principal cash flows. In case of balance based assumptions, this applies to the EOP balance. In case of cash flow based assumptions, this applies to the principal cash flows in a given bucket.
  5. Calculate the outstanding balance in each bucket under business-as-usual or stress terms. The outstanding balance in the first time bucket will be the EOP balance. The formula for calculating the outstanding balance for each subsequent bucket is as follows:
    Outstanding balance in each bucket

  6. Calculate the impact on interest cash flows in each bucket under business-as-usual or stress terms as per the following formulas:
    Impact on Interest Cash Flows under Run-off Assumption

    Table 12-1 Example giving the UI Specification for Run-off Assumption

    Run-off From Bucket To Bucket Assignment Method Assumption Unit Assumption Value Based On Product
      1-3 Months 1-7 Days Selected Percentage 10 Cash Flow Loan

    In the following Illustration both Principal and Interest are downloads.

    Table 12-2 Example

    Measure Contractual Cash Flows
    Overnight 1-7 Days 8-15 Days 16-30 Days 1-3 Months
    Principal 150 250 330 700 610

    Outstanding Balance

    (Refer Point 3)










    Interest 20 40 45 80 70

    Table 12-3 Example showing Impact on Interest Cash Flows under Run-off Assumption

    Measure Business Assumption
    Overnight 1-7 Days 8-15 Days 16-30 Days 1-3 Months
    Assumption impacted Principal Nil (+) 61 Nil Nil

    (-) 61


    Revised Principal CF (post business assumption)


    (150 + Nil)


    (250 + 61)




    (700 + Nil)


    {610 + (-)61}

    Outstanding Balance

    (Refer Point 5)



    (2000 – 150)


    (1850 – 311)






    (Refer Point 6)

    20 40







    Impact on Interest Cash Flows under Growth Assumption

    Table 12-4 Example giving the UI Specification for Growth Assumption

    Run-off From Bucket To Bucket Assignment Method Assumption Unit Assumption Value Based On Product
    1-7 Days Overnight - - 0 EOP Balance Loan
    16-30 Days Equal Percentage 20

    In the following Illustration both Principal and Interest are downloads.

    Table 12-5 Download Data

    Contractual Cash Flows
    EOP Balance 2000

    Table 12-6 Example

    Measure Contractual Cash Flows
    Overnight 1-7 Days 8-15 Days 16-30 Days 1-3 Months
    Principal 150 250 330 700 610

    Outstanding Balance

    (Refer Point 3)










    Interest 20 40 45 80 70

    Table 12-7 Example showing Impact on Interest Cash Flows under Growth Assumption

    Measure Business Assumption
    Overnight 1-7 Days 8-15 Days 16-30 Days 1-3 Months
    Assumption impacted Principal Nil -400 200 200 Nil
    Revised Principal CF (post business assumption)


    (150 + Nil)


    {250 + (-) 400}




    (700 + 200)


    (610 + Nil)

    Outstanding Balance 2000




    {1850- (-150)}





    Total Interest 20 40





    Change in Interest Nil Nil


    ( 56.25-45)




    Table 12-8 Example giving the UI Specification for Growth Assumption (Cash Flow Based)

    Run-off From Bucket To Bucket Assignment Method Assumption Unit Assumption Value Based On Product
    1-7 Days Overnight - - 0 Cash Flow Loan
    16-30 Days Equal Percentage 20

    In the following Illustration both Principal and Interest are downloads.

    Table 12-9 Example

    Measure Contractual Cash Flows
    Overnight 1-7 Days 8-15 Days 16-30 Days 1-3 Months
    Principal 150 250 330 700 610

    Outstanding Balance

    (Refer Point 3)










    Interest 20 40 45 80 70

    Table 12-10 Example showing Impact on Interest Cash Flows under Growth Assumption (Cash Flow Based)

    Measure Business Assumption
    Overnight 1-7 Days 8-15 Days 16-30 Days 1-3 Months
    Assumption impacted Principal Nil

    (-) 50


    25 25 Nil
    Revised Principal CF (post business assumption)


    (150 + Nil)


    {250 + (-) 50}




    (700 + 25)


    (610 + Nil)

    Outstanding Balance










    Total Interest

    20 40





    Change in Interest Nil Nil






    The application supports the inclusion or exclusion of interest cash flows based on the Run parameters selected by the user. This is also impacted by the inclusion or exclusion of cash flow type as a dimension in the business assumption. The next section details multiple scenarios with different combination of parameters and their impact on interest cash flows.

Scenario 1: When Interest cash flows are approximated.
  1. Do not include Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption (Principal + Interest will be considered).
  2. In Run Definition window,
    1. Select Yes in Include Interest Cash Flow and,
    2. Select Yes in Approximate Interest.

In the above scenario, only Principal cash flows will be impacted. Interest cash flows will be approximated based on change to principal.

Scenario 2: When interest cash flows are calculated without approximating interest.
  1. Do not include Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption (Principal + Interest will be considered).
  2. In Run Definition window,
    1. Select Yes in Include Interest Cash Flow and,
    2. Select No in Approximate Interest.

In the above scenario, both Principal and Interest cash flows will be impacted.

Scenario 3: When interest cash flows are not considered for computation.
  1. Do not include Cash Flow Type as a dimension in the business assumption (Principal + Interest will be considered).
  2. In Run Definition window, select No in Include Interest Cash Flow.

In the above scenario, no impact on Interest cash flows as they are not considered for computation and reporting.

Scenario 4: When interest cash flows are approximated.
  1. Include Cash Flow Type as a dimension and select Principal in the business assumption.
  2. In Run Definition window,
    1. Select Yes in Include Interest Cash Flow and,
    2. Select Yes in Approximate Interest.

In the above scenario, only Principal will be impacted. Interest cash flows will be approximated based on change to principal.

Scenario 5: When Principal is selected as a dimension.
  1. Include Cash Flow Type as a dimension and select Principal in the business assumption.
  2. In Run Definition window,
    1. Select Yes in Include Interest Cash Flow and,
    2. Select No in Approximate Interest.

In the above scenario, Principal will be impacted because only Principal is selected as a dimension. There will be no change in the interest cash flow amounts.