Assignment Method – Leg 1

This option determines how the primary assumption value is allocated to time buckets. There are specific methods in which the assumption value can be distributed across buckets. Assignment methods determine the manner in which the primary assumption values are assigned to multiple buckets in order to determine the cash flows. Leg 1 is applicable when only one leg of the transaction is affected i.e. when the assumption legs field value is selected as One.

The options are as follows:

  1. Selected Time Bucket - This method assigns the cash flows only to the time buckets against which the assumption value is specified. If the assumption is not specified on Level 0 buckets, then the assignment to the more granular buckets is done proportionately to the bucket size.

    The formula is as follows:
    cash flow

    The time buckets used for computation are as follows:

    Table 7-72 Time buckets

    1 Overnight Overnight
    2 1-10Days 1-15Days
    3 11-15Days 1-15Days
    4 16-20Days 16-30Days
    5 21-25Days 16-30Days
    6 26-30Days 16-30Days

    The example below illustrates allocation of cash flows when the assumption value is specified for a Level 0 bucket

    Table 7-73 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Selected Time Bucket Example 1

    Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
    Cash Flow Movement- Run-off Percentage Original Balance Selected Cash Flow

    Table 7-74 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Selected Time Bucket Example 1

    Business Assumption Computation
    Product Customer From Bucket To Bucket Run-off % Contractual Cash Flow (From Bucket) Contractual Cash Flow (To Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash flow - From Bucket Revised Cash flow -To Bucket
    Time Deposits Customer 1 10-10Days 5-5Days 10% 30000 23000


    (30000* 10%)


    (30000+ 3000)



    However, this allocation differs for Levels other than Level 0 buckets as Illustrated in the following example.

    The example below illustrates, the selected Cash Flow assignment method on Level 1 buckets

    Table 7-75 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Selected Time Bucket Example 2

    Business Assumption Computation
    Customer From Bucket To Bucket Run-off % Contractual Cash Flow (From Bucket) To Bucket Contractual Cash Flow (To Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash flow - From Bucket Revised Cash flow -To Bucket

    Customer 1

    16-30Days 1-15Days 10%


    1-10Days 21000







    11-15Days 15000



  2. Increasing assignment - The cash flows are assigned to each bucket up to the selected bucket in increasing order based on ranks assigned to cash flows. Assignments are made in increasing order to the selected level and further assignment is done until the most granular level.

    The formulae under different conditions are as follows:

    1. When, Cash Flow Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage
      Cash flow inc_CF_based_percentage

    2. When, Assumption Unit = Value
      Cash flow

      The example below illustrates, Increasing Cash Flow assignment method based on Cash Flow.

      Table 7-76 Increasing Cash Flow assignment

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Cash Flow Movement- Run-off Percentage Original Balance Increasing Cash Flow

      Table 7-77 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Increasing assignment Example 1

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket To Bucket Run-off % To Bucket Bucket Rank Contractual Cash Flow (From Bucket) Contractual Cash Flow (To Bucket) Run-off (Value) Revised Cash flow - From Bucket Revised Cash flow -To Bucket
      Assets Customer 1 10-10Days 3-3Days 10% Overnight 1 30000 20000




      =(30000- 3000)


      = (20000+300)

      1-1Days 2 21000




      == (21000+600)

      2-2Days 3 19000




      = (19000+900)

      3-3Days 4 27000




      = (27000+1200)

    3. When, EOP Balance Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage

      The example below illustrates, Increasing Cash Flow assignment method based on EOP Balance. Here, EOP Balance (Time Deposits) is assumed as 300000.

      Table 7-78 Increasing Cash Flow assignment method

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Incremental Cash Flow : Run-off Percentage Original Balance Increasing EOP Balance

      Table 7-79 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Increasing assignment Example 2

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket Run-off % Bucket Rank Primary Bucket Contractual Cash Outflow(Primary Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash Outflow (Primary Bucket)
      Time Deposits

      Customer 1

      1-1 Days 10 1 Overnight 20000



      2 1-1 Days 30000



  3. Decreasing Assignment - The Cash flows are assigned to each bucket up to the selected bucket in decreasing order based on ranks assigned to cash flows. Assignments are made in decreasing order to selected level and further assignment is done until the most granular level.

    The formulae under different conditions are as follows:

    1. When, Cash Flow Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage
      Dec cash flow

    2. When, Assumption Unit = Value
      Assumption Unit

      The example below illustrates, Decreasing Cash Flow assignment method based on Cash Flow.

      Table 7-80 Decreasing Cash Flow assignment method

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Cash Flow Movement - Run-off Percentage Original Balance Decreasing Cash Flow

      Table 7-81 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Decreasing Assignment Example 1

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket To Bucket Run-off % To Bucket Bucket Rank Contractual Cash Flow (From Bucket) Contractual Cash Flow (To Bucket) Run-off (Value) Revised Cash flow - From Bucket Revised Cash flow -To Bucket
      Assets Customer 1 10-10Days 3-3Days 10% Overnight 4 30000 20000




      (30000- 3000)



      1-1Days 3 21000





      2-2Days 2 19000





      3-3Days 1 27000





    3. When, EOP Balance Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage
      Dec balance based

      Table 7-82 EOP Balance Based Assumptions

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Incremental Cash Flow : Run-off Percentage Original Balance Decreasing EOP Balance

      The example below illustrates, Decreasing Cash Flow assignment method based on EOP Balance. Here, EOP Balance (Time Deposits) is assumed as 300000.

      Table 7-83 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Decreasing Assignment Example 2

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket Run-off % Bucket Rank Primary Bucket Contractual Cash Outflow(Primary Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash Outflow (Primary Bucket)
      Time Deposits

      Customer 1

      1-1 Days


      2 Overnight 20000
      1 1-1 Days 30000
  4. Equal Assignment - The Cash flows are to be assigned equally up to the selected bucket. Assignments are made equally to the selected level and further assignment is done until the most granular level.
    The formulae under different conditions are as follows:
    1. When, Cash Flow Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage
      Cash flow

    2. When, Assumption Unit = Value
      Equal Cash Flow assignment method

      The example below illustrates, Equal Cash Flow assignment method based on Cash Flow. Here, Level X buckets are assumed as higher granular bucket.

      Table 7-84 Equal Cash Flow assignment

      Cash Flow Movement- Run-off Percentage Original Balance Equal Cash Flow
      Cash Flow Movement- Run-off


      Original Balance


      Cash Flow

      Table 7-85 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Equal Assignment Example 1

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket To Bucket Run-off % To Bucket Bucket Rank Contractual Cash Flow (From Bucket) Contractual Cash Flow (To Bucket) Run-off (Value) Revised Cash flow - From Bucket Revised Cash flow -To Bucket
      Assets Customer 1 10-10Days 5-5 Days 10% Overnight 30000 20000




      =(30000- 3000)



      1-1Days 21000





      2-2Days 19000





      3-3Days 27000





      4-4Days 13000





      5-5Days 11000





    3. When, EOP Balance Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage.
      EOP balance based

      The example below illustrates, Equal Cash Flow assignment method based on EOP Balance. Here, EOP Balance (Time Deposits) is assumed as 500000.

      Table 7-86 Equal Cash Flow assignment method

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Incremental Cash Flow : Run-off


      Original Balance


      EOP Balance

      Table 7-87 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Equal Assignment Example 2

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket Run-off % Primary Bucket Contractual Cash Outflow(Primary Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash Outflow (Primary Bucket)
      Time Deposits

      Customer 1

      1-1 Days 10 Overnight 20000





      1-1 Days 30000


      30000 + (50000/2)

  5. Proportionate Assignment - The Cash flows are assigned to each bucket up to the selected bucket in proportion to the bucket size. Assignments are made proportionately to the selected level and further assignment is done until the most granular level.

    The formulae under different conditions are as follows.

    1. When, Cash Flow Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage
      Cash flow proportonate CF based

    2. When, Assumption Unit = Value
      cash flow_Proportionate.png

      The example below illustrates, Proportionate Cash Flow assignment method based on Cash Flow.


      t = Number of days in the given Level x bucket

      T= Total number of days up to the selected bucket

      Table 7-88 Proportionate Cash Flow assignment

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Cash Flow Movement- Run-off Percentage Original Balance Proportionate Cash Flow

      The time buckets which are considered for the computation are as follows:

      Table 7-89 Time buckets

      1 Overnight
      2 1-10Days
      3 11-15Days
      4 16-20Days
      5 21-25Days
      6 26-30Days

      Table 7-90 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Proportionate Assignment Example 1

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer From Bucket To Bucket Run-off % To Bucket Contractual Cash Flow (From Bucket) Contractual Cash Flow (To Bucket) Run-off (Value) Revised Cash flow - From Bucket Revised Cash flow -To Bucket
      Assets Customer 1 26-30Days 11-15Days 10% Overnight 30000 20000




      =(30000- 3000)

      1-10Days 21000





      11-15Days 19000





    3. When, EOP Balance Based Assumptions, Assumption Unit = Percentage
      EOP Balance Based Assumptions

      The example below illustrates, Proportionate Cash Flow assignment method based on EOP Balance. Here, EOP Balance (Time Deposits) is assumed as 300000.

      Table 7-91 Proportionate Cash Flow assignment

      Assumption Category Assumption Unit Applied to Assignment Method Based On
      Incremental Cash Flow :Run-off Percentage Original Balance Proportionate EOP Balance

      Table 7-92 Assignment Method Leg 1 - Proportionate Assignment Example 2

      Business Assumption Computation
      Product Customer Primary Bucket Run-off (%) BucketRank Primary Bucket Contractual CashOutflow(Primary Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash Outflow (Primary Bucket)

      Customer 1

      1-10Days 10 1 Overnight 20000 0(300000*10%)*0/10 20000
      2 1-10Days 30000




      (30000 + 30000)