Based On

This option determines the measure that the assumption values are applied to in order to obtain cash flows. From the drop-down list, you are allowed to select the option on which different assumption values are applied.

The table below helps to understand the set of parameters for each assumption category and sub-category.

Table 7-70 List of assumptions

Assumption Category Assumption Sub-Category Based On
Cash Flow Movement Cash Flow Movement
  • Cash Flows
  • EOP Balance
  • Fair Value
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • High Run-off Category 1 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 2 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 3 Balance
  • Highly Stable Balance
  • Insured Balance
  • Less Stable Balance
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Stable Balance
  • Uninsured Balance
  • Cash Flows
  • EOP Balance
  • High Run-off Category 1 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 2 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 3 Balance
  • Highly Stable Balance
  • Insured Balance
  • Less Stable Balance
  • Stable Balance
  • Uninsured Balance
  • Unsecured Balance
  • Secured Balance
Prepayment Cash Flows
Cash Flow Delay Cash Flows
Delinquency Cash Flows
Recovery Cash Flows
  • Cash Flows
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Non-qualifying Amount
  • Non-qualifying Less Stable Amount
  • Non-qualifying Stable Amount
  • Non-qualifying Unsecured Balance
  • Qualifying Amount
  • Secured Cash Flows
  • Unsecured Cash Flows
Asset Sale
  • EOP Balance
  • Fair Value
  • Market Value
Encumbrance Encumbrance
  • Downgrade Impact Value
  • Fair Value
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • Fair Value of Excess Collateral
  • Fair Value of Required Collateral
  • Largest 30 Day Cumulative Collateral Amount
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Market Value of Excess Collateral
  • Market Value of Required Collateral
Ratings Downgrade Downgrade Impact Value
Valuation Changes
  • Fair Value
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • Fair Value of Excess Collateral
  • Fair Value of Required Collateral
  • Largest 30 Day Cumulative Collateral Amount
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Market Value of Excess Collateral
  • Market Value of Required Collateral
Incremental Cash Flow Incremental Cash Flow
  • Available Undrawn Amount
  • Cash Flows
  • Downgrade Impact Value
  • EOP Balance
  • Fair Value
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • Fair Value of Excess Collateral
  • Fair Value of Required Collateral
  • General Ledger Balance
  • High Run-off Category 1 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 2 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 3 Balance
  • Highly Stable Balance
  • Insured Balance
  • Largest 30 Day Cumulative Collateral Amount
  • Less Stable Balance
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Market Value of Excess Collateral
  • Market Value of Required Collateral
  • Non-Contractual Obligation Amount
  • Non Operational Balance
  • Penalty Free Portion of Stable Balance
  • Penalty Free Portion of Highly Stable Balance
  • Stable Balance
  • Undrawn Balance
  • Uninsured Balance
  • Available Undrawn Amount
  • Dividend Payable
  • EOP Balance
  • EOP Balance net of Underlying HQLA Inflow
  • EOP Balance net of Underlying HQLA Outflow
  • EOP amount with significant penalty or withdrawal
  • Encumbered Balance
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • Fund Value
  • General Ledger Balance
  • High Run-off Category 1 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 2 Balance
  • High Run-off Category 3 Balance
  • Highly Stable Balance
  • Insured Amount Withdrawal without penalty
  • Insured Balance
  • Insured Non-operational Amount
  • Insured Operational Amount
  • Less Stable Balance
  • Less Stable Balance withdrawable amount without penalty
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Minimum Amount Due
  • Minimum Reserves
  • Net Derivative Cash Flow net of collateral
  • Net Derivative Cash Inflow net of collateral
  • Net Intra-group Outflow
  • Net Intra-group Inflow
  • Non Contractual Obligation Amount
  • Non Operational Balance
  • Non-qualifying Amount
  • Non-Qualifying Unsecured Balance
  • Non-qualifying Stable Amount
  • Non-qualifying Less Stable Amount
  • Operational Balance
  • Penalty Free Portion of High Run-off Category 1 Amount
  • Penalty Free Portion of High Run-off Category 2 Amount
  • Penalty Free Portion of High Run-off Category 3 Amount
  • Penalty Free Portion of Highly Stable Balance
  • Penalty Free Portion of Stable Balance
  • Qualifying Amount
  • Returnable Asset Value
  • Secured Balance
  • Secured Lending inflow Amount
  • Segregated Inflow Amount
  • Stable Balance
  • Structured Outflow Amount
  • Uncleared Balance
  • Unencumbered Balance
  • Unencumbered Highly Stable Amount
  • Unencumbered Stable Amount
  • Unencumbered Less Stable Amount
  • Uninsured Amount Withdrawal without penalty
  • Uninsured Balance
  • Uninsured Non Operational Amount
  • Uninsured Operational Amount
  • Uninsured Operational Amount
  • Unsecured Lending Dues
  • Unsecured Balance
  • Unsettled Amount
  • Value of Fund


  • Adjusted Undrawn Amount
  • Available Undrawn Amount
  • Portion of the undrawn amount that can be drawn in liquidity horizon period
  • Structured Outflow Amount
  • Undrawn Balance
Liability Run-Off Balance
New Business EOP Balance
Ratings Downgrade
  • Downgrade Impact Value
  • Underlying Mitigant Value
Secured Funding / Financing
  • Cash Flows
  • EOP Balance
Valuation Changes
  • Additional Collateral Amount For Derivatives
  • Collateral Valuation Change Amount
  • Contractually Due Collateral
  • Dividend Payable
  • Excess Collateral Due
  • Excess Contractual Obligation Amount
  • Fair Value
  • Fair Value of Collateral Posted
  • Fair Value of Collateral Received
  • Fair Value of Excess Collateral
  • Fair Value of Required Collateral
  • Largest 30 Day Cumulative Collateral Amount
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • Market Value of Collateral Received
  • Market Value of Excess Collateral
  • Market Value of Required Collateral
  • Net Derivative Cash Outflow net of collateral
Value Change Available Stable Funding Factor
  • Cash Flows
  • EOP Balance
  • Less Stable Balance
  • NSFR Derivative Liabilities
  • Net NSFR Derivative Liabilities
  • Non-Operational Balance
  • Non-Operational Cash Flows
  • Operational Balance
  • Operational Cash Flows
  • Stable Balance
  • Standard Accounting Head Balance
  • Total Less Stable Balance
  • Total Less Stable Cash Flows
  • Total Stable Balance
  • Total Stable Cash Flows
  • Net CFR Derivative Liabilities
  • Variation Margin Received
  • Initial Margin Received
  • Fair Value
  • Market Value
Required Stable Funding Factor
  • Additional Derivative Liability for RSF
  • Cash Flows
  • Derivative Liability Amount
  • EOP Balance
  • EOP Carrying Value
  • Encumbered Balance
  • Encumbered Carrying Value
  • Fair Value
  • Fair Value or Collateral Posted
  • GL Balance
  • Initial Margin Posted
  • Market Value
  • Market Value of Collateral Posted
  • NSFR Derivative Assets
  • Net NSFR Derivative Assets
  • Non Contractual Obligation Amount
  • Non-Operational Balance
  • Non-Operational Carrying Value
  • Operational Balance
  • Operational Carrying Value
  • Standard Accounting Head Balance
  • Standard Accounting Head Carrying Value
  • Undrawn Amount
  • Unencumbered Balance
  • Unencumbered Carrying Value
  • Net CFR Derivative Assets
  • Derivative Asset Amount
  • Variation Margin Posted
  • Default Fund Value

When the Intraday Assumption is selected as Yes in the Business Assumption Definition window the following set of parameters are displayed for each assumption category and sub-category:

Table 7-71 Intraday Assumption

Intraday Assumption Category Intraday Assumption Sub-Category Based On
Cash Flow Movement Time Shift in Payments
  • Payments Received
  • Payments Made
Payments Default Payments Received
Encumbrance Withdrawal of Credit Lines Undrawn Amount
Incremental Cash Flow Intraday Drawdown Undrawn Amount
Large Unexpected Payments
  • Payments Made
  • Payments Received
Value Change Intraday Valuation Changes Available Intraday liquidity