8.10 Editing a Business Assumption

The process of editing a business assumption is as follows:

  1. To edit a definition, click

    to select a definition from the list of business assumptions and then click


    Figure 7-16 Business Assumptions – Editing a Business Assumption

    Business Assumptions – Editing a Business Assumption

  2. You can edit a definition which is in “Draft”, “Open” and “In Review” status. LRM Analyst has the privileges to edit.
  3. When the definition is in “Draft” status all the parameters can be edited in the Business Assumption Definition window
  4. When the definition is in “Open” status and “In Review” status all the parameters except the Assumption Name can be edited in the Business Assumption Definition window.
  5. When you edit a definition which is “Draft” status, it remains in version 0.
  6. When you edit a definition which is in “Open” status, the version number does not change


    In Draft and Open status, the changes made are overwritten and the version number does not change.

  7. When you edit a definition which is in approved status, the version number is changed and a new version is created. This changes the status to “In Review”.