16 Intraday Liquidity Management

Intraday Monitoring metrics as prescribed by The BIS and Reserve Bank of India are computed by the LRS application through a Run at the end of each day. Dashboard Reports and Regulatory Reports are displayed as a part of computations based on this Run.

Intraday monitoring metrics are calculated for each selected date based on actual data of Payments made and received as part of the Contractual Run. The application supports the following metrics as a part of Intraday Run:
  1. Metrics Applicable for All Reporting banks
    1. Daily Maximum Intraday Liquidity Usage
    2. Available Intraday Liquidity at the Start of the Business Day
    3. Total Payments
    4. Time-specific Obligations
  2. Metrics Applicable for Banks providing Correspondent banking Services
    1. Value of Payments Made on Behalf of Correspondent Banking Customers
    2. Intraday Credit Lines Extended to Customers
  3. Metrics Applicable to Banks which are direct participants of a Large Value Payment System
    1. Intraday Throughput