7.1.1 Liquidity Time Buckets

The default time buckets which are mandatory required by the application are as follows:

  • Open maturity time bucket – All products which do not have a maturity associated with them are bucketed here. This time bucket is used to bucket all cash flows that have an open maturity. This will be the first time bucket in the list. The start date and end date is not displayed for this time bucket. The start days and end days are set to -99999. These include products such as Current Account, Savings Account (CASA), and so on.
  • Overnight Bucket - This will be the second time bucket in the list. The frequency and multiplier are 0 and days respectively. The start date and end date are set to as of date.
  • Unspecified bucket - This is bucket where all cash flows that are not included in normal computations such as the delinquent cash flows which will not be recovered are moved. This bucket is provided to view these cash flows and not for calculation purpose. This is available at all bucket levels and will not have a time period associated with it. The unspecified bucket will be the last time bucket in the list. The start date and end date is not displayed for this time bucket. The start days and end days are set to 99999.