15.1 Processing Granularity for Secured Transactions

For Secured Accounts involving collateral placed or collateral received, there is an option to compute balances and cash flows in two granularities:
  • Account level
  • Account-collateral level

This option enables the treatment of partially secured accounts, and granular processing of an account with multiple collaterals. By default, secured funding computations happen at the account level for partially secured accounts. This can be changed to Account-collateral level by updating the value of the setup master table entry for SEC_TRANS_TREATMENT_PURPOSE_VAL to YES.

Account level:

By default, all computations are done at the Account Level. This means that if there are multiple collaterals securing an account, the collateral level information will be aggregated and processed at an account level.

Account-collateral level:

Collateral level measures, such as the ones at the HQLA Asset level, encumbrance period and so on, are computed at the collateral-account level. This means that if there are multiple collaterals securing an account, the collateral level information is processed at the same account- collateral level without aggregating any data.