Ratings Downgrade

In a bank, because of some financing transactions or derivatives with embedded downgrade triggers, downgrade in a bank’s rating by a recognized credit rating institution will require the bank to post additional collateral. This assumption impacts the numerator of LCR that is, decrease in the market value of HQLA.

For some financing transactions or derivatives with embedded downgrade triggers, downgrade in a bank’s rating by a recognized credit rating institution will require the bank to post additional collateral. The encumbrance assumption category assumes that the asset required to be posted as additional collateral is already available with the bank and will be encumbered. This results in deduction of the relevant amount from the stock of high quality liquid assets as it is now no longer unencumbered.


The assumption specification and computation method for this sub category corresponds to that available as part of the Additional Collateral - Rating Downgrade Decrease in Asset assumption type. This assumption is renamed as Ratings Downgrade in this version.

See Defining a New Business Assumption, for information on the steps involved in specifying this assumption.

The steps involved in applying the delay in cash flow timing assumption to cash flows are as follows:

  1. Identify the original time bucket and calculate the cash outflow occurring in it due to the assumption.
  2. Identify the corresponding revised time buckets and the cash inflow occurring in it, including penalties, if any.
  3. If time specific or critical obligation, record the delay and indicate a breach.

    New Stock of HQLA assignment is done in the following manner:

    New Stock of HQLA assignment

    Assuming a downgrade trigger of 3-Notches, this assumption is specified as follows:

    Table 7-11 Encumbrance - Ratings Downgrade

    Business Assumption Definition Cash Flow Assignment
    Asset Level Downgrade Impact Value Downgrade Impact Amount Downgrade Decrease in HQLA
    Level 1 Asset 80% 11000 1 Notch


    [= (11000*80%)]

    Level 1 Asset 100% 9000 2 Notches


    [= (9000*100%)]

    Level 1 Asset 80% 80000 3 Notches


    [= (80000*80%)]