2.1 Scope of the Guide

The objective of this user guide is to provide a comprehensive working knowledge on Oracle Financial Services Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management (OFS LRMM), Release This user guide is intended to help you understand the key features and functions of Oracle Financial Services Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management (LRMM) release, and details the process flow and methodologies used in the computation and management of liquidity risk. This guide covers liquidity risk functionality that is not dependent on jurisdictional requirements, such as business assumptions, time bucketing and so on, and is a pre-requisite for the jurisdictional Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), such as RBI, EBA, US FED, MAS, BNM, BOT and HKMA. Additionally, it covers the regulatory calculations, both LCR and NSFR, as per Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

This User Guide should be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the Related Information Sources section, to get a complete view of the LRMM application capabilities. Additionally, this document provides the configurations required to address all the liquidity risk related needs of a financial institution.