B.4 Setup Master Table Configuration

The setup master table must be configured for calculating LCR Option 2. The setup master table configuration is as follows:

Table B-1 Setup master table configuration

Column Name Component Description Example Component Value Comment
LCR_OPT2_MAX_THRESHOLD_EXEMPT_HAIRCUT_PCT Maximum threshold percent which is exempt from haircut for LCR option 2 25 The maximum threshold haircut percentage which needs to be exempted must be entered and this should be a whole value and not a percentage.
LRM4G_HOL_CODE US 4G Holiday Code 1 The holiday code which needs to be used for "US FR2052a Run" and "US FR2052a Run" Runs.
LRM_STD_CCY_CD Standard Currency used in currency conversion USD In case reporting currency is not selected then default value provided here is used.
OPTION3_HAIRCUT Additional Haircut required for option 3 LCR 0.1 This setup parameter is used for BIS run. This is the haircut percent for option type 3 specified in decimals. (10% will be given as 0.1).
DIM_PRODUCT_BALANCE_SHEET_CATEGORY_ASSET Place Holder for Asset ASSET This parameter is to identify the ASSET products in the balance sheet. This should be same as the balance category of assets which is given as download in STG_PRODUCT_MASTER. These values will be used in DTs to identify ASSET products.
DIM_PRODUCT_BALANCE_SHEET_CATEGORY_LIABILITY Place Holder for LIABILITY LIABILITY This parameter is to identify the LIABILITY products in the balance sheet. This should be same as the balance category of liabilities which is given as download in STG_PRODUCT_MASTER. These values will be used in DTs to identify LIABILITY products.
DIM_PRODUCT_BALANCE_SHEET_CATEGORY_OFF_BAL_SHEET Place Holder for OFF BALANCE SHEET OFF BALANCE SHEET This parameter is to identify the OFF BALANCE SHEET products in the balance sheet. This should be same as the balance category of off-balance sheet items which is given as download in STG_PRODUCT_MASTER. These values will be used in DTs to identify OFF BALANCE SHEET products.
DT_ALLOC_HINT_MATERIALIZE Appends /*+ materialize */ hint in the SELECT statement of the Allocation Engine Merge Query N This is a performance enhancement parameter given as an option to the user. If this parameter is set to ‘Y’ then the /*+ materialize */ hint will be added to the backend query.
DT_ALLOC_HINT_USE_HASH In Allocation Engine Merge Query , whether to use /*+ USE_HASH */ to merge in FCT_AGG_CASH_FLOWS table Y This is a performance enhancement parameter given as an option to the user. If this parameter is set to ‘Y’ then the /*+ USE_HASH */ hint will be added to the backend merge query.
DT_FSI_EXCHANGE_RATE_HIST The entry decides which lookup exchange rates table to be used in Aggregate Cash Flows Population. Y = FSI_EXCHANGE_RATES and N = FCT_FCST_EXCHANGE_RATES Y A setup entry which will decide if the spot exchange rates have to be used or forecast exchange rate has to be used. If the parameter is set to ‘Y’ spot exchange rate will be used (from FSI_EXCHANGE_RATES) else the forecasted exchange rate will be used (from FCT_FCST_EXCHANGE_RATES).
DT_PARALLEL_DOP Degree of parallelism to be used in DML and Queries statements in data transformations 8 This is a performance enhancement parameter given as an option to the user. The number specifies the degree of parallelism to be set for the session when the backend query is executing. This parameter will be considered only if DT_PARALLEL_ENABLE parameter is set to ‘Y’.
DT_PARALLEL_ENABLE Enables parallel sessions for DML and Queries statements in data transformations Y This is a performance enhancement parameter given as an option to the user. If the parameter is set to ‘Y’ parallel execution will be enabled for the backend query. This parameter along with DT_PARALLEL_DOP will decide the parallelism.
LRM4G2A_TIME_BKT_SYS_ID Time Bucket Definition sys id for US 4G 2a -1234567 For 4G 2A reporting the time bucket selected has to be specified here. The time bucket sys id has to be given here. -1234567 is the out of the box time bucket sys id. If the user chooses to customize it with a new time bucket, the corresponding time bucket sys id has to be specified here.
LRM4G2B_TIME_BKT_SYS_ID Time Bucket Definition sys id for US 4G 2b -1234568 For 4G 2B reporting the time bucket selected has to be specified here. The time bucket sys id has to be given here. -1234568 is the out of the box time bucket sys id. If the user chooses to customize it with a new time bucket, the corresponding time bucket sys id has to be specified here.
LRM_24_MONTH_LOOKBACK_HIST Contains a boolean value to specify if it is a historical load. 1 specifies historical. Default 0. 1 This parameter is used while computing 24 month look back for maximum 30 days net cash flows. If the parameter is set to 1 then 24 months population (historical) will be done. If the parameter is 0 then only the maximum cash flow for last 30 days will be populated to FSI_MTM_COLL_VAL_CHANGE.
LRM_PROD_LIST_FOR_ESTABLISHED_REL This entry specifies the list of products to be considered for established relationship identification. The standard product type code (Level 1 Code) should be given comma separated like LOANS,DEP,ANNUITY LOANS,DEP This parameter specifies the list of products to be considered for established relationship identification. The standard product type code (Level 1 Code) should be given comma separated like LOANS,DEP,ANNUITY
OPTION3_HAIRCUT Additional Haircut required for option 3 LCR 0.1 This setup parameter is used for BIS run. This is the haircut percent for option type 3 specified in decimals. (10% will be given as 0.1)
LRM_CASHFLOW_PROCESS_SCEN_SKEY Surrogate Key for the Process Scenario (N_PROC_SCEN_SKEY) of table FCT_PROCESS_CASHFLOW -1 If user wants to use OFS ALM cash flows for LRM processing then user has to enter the scenario skey of ALM cash flows which needs to be considered for LRM processing. LRM will filter the records based on scenario filter and process on these records.
STRUCTURED_OUTFLOW_COMP Credit Line purpose to be consider for computing Structured Outflow Amount Computation SPONS This parameter takes the V_STANDARD_PRODUCT_TYPE_CODE to identify the products which are considered as Credit Line Purpose for computing the Structured Outflow Amount.
FR2052A_REPORTERS_DESCRIPTION This signifies the total consolidated assets and on-balance sheet exposures of the reporting firm. 1

The values for this column name must be based on the U.S. firms asset size and 1, 2, 3 signifies the following respectively.

U.S. firms with ≥ $700 billion in assets or ≥ $10 trillion in assets under custody; FBOs identified as LISCC firms.

U.S. firms with ≥ $250 billion in assets or ≥ $10 billion in foreign exposure; FBOs with ≥ $250 billion in U.S. assets

U.S. firms with < $250 billion in assets and < $10 billion in foreign exposure; FBOs with < $250 billion in U.S. assets.

FR2052A_REPORTING_SI10 U.S. firms with less than $700 billion in total consolidated assets and less than $10 trillion in assets under custody and FBOs with less than $250 billion in U.S. assets have the option of not reporting this product. Y If user wants to report S.I.10, then this flag must be Y or else N.
FR2052A_REPORTING_SI12 U.S. firms with less than $700 billion in total consolidated assets and less than $10 trillion in assets under custody and FBOs with less than $250 billion in U.S. assets have the option of not reporting this product. Y If user wants to report Supplemental S.I.12, then this flag must be Y or else N.
FR2052A_REPORTING_SI14 U.S. firms with less than $700 billion in total consolidated assets and less than $10 trillion in assets under custody and FBOs with less than $250 billion in U.S. assets have the option of not reporting this product Y If user wants to report Supplemental S.I.14, then this flag must be Y or else N.
FR2052A_REPORTING_SI7_SI8 If the total amount reported is related to distinct disputes over the previous year for products S.I.7 and S.I.8 is less than $500 million, the reporting firm need not report this product. Y If user wants to report Supplemental S.I.7, S.I.8, then this flag must be Y or else N.
BIS_REP_CRY BIS_REP_CRY EUR This parameter captures the regulatory limit for the total aggregated funding raised from small business customers who are to be treated similar to the retail customers while identifying deposit stability and applying run-off rates within LCR computations. Any SME customer providing an aggregate funding up to the limit specified as part of this attribute is accorded the same treatment as a retail customer for the purposes of LCR computation. Any SME customer providing an aggregate funding greater than this limit is treated as a wholesale customer. The seeded value for this is 1 million as per BCBS 238.
BIS_SMALL_BUIS_LIMIT BIS Small Business EOP Balance Limit 1000000 This parameter captures the currency code in which the regulatory limit for the total aggregated funding raised from small business customers who are to be treated similar to the retail customers, that is, BIS_SMALL_BUIS_LIMIT is captured. The seeded value for this is EUR as per BCBS 238.
SIGNIFICANT_CURRENCY_LIABILITY Currency Significance Percentage 0.05 This attribute indicates the definition of a significant currency in terms of the percentage of the aggregate liabilities denominated in that currency over the total liabilities of the bank. A currency is considered “significant” if the aggregate liabilities denominated in that currency amount to 5% or more of the bank's total liabilities. The default value provided for this field is 0.05 (i.e. 5%) as per the regulatory definition.
CASHFLOW_NSFR_BANDS Hierarchy for NSFR Cash Flow Interval HLRMNS02 The entry for cash flow interval dimension in to setup master table would consist of the Hierarchy code related to the bands pertaining to NSFR. The hierarchy code HLRMNS02 contains the NSFR cash flow interval bands.
BIS_GAAP_CODE This entry captures the GAAP code to be considered while moving data from STG tables to processing table for BIS jurisdiction. INGAAP

This entry captures the GAAP code to be considered while moving data from STG tables to processing table for the purpose of regulatory computations as per the BIS jurisdiction.

DIM_GAAP is the corresponding dimension table. Although DEFAULT_GAAP entry from ‘setup_master’ table continues to be considered for DIM_ACCOUNT population.


Basel Regulatory Run Id Selected in Application Preference -1 The component value stores the executed basel run skey which is used during the population of Standard Accounting head information for NSFR computation
EBA_GAAP_CODE This entry captures the GAAP code to be considered while moving data from STG tables to processing table for EBA jurisdiction. UKGAAP

This entry captures the GAAP code to be considered while moving data from STG tables to processing table for the purpose of regulatory computations as per the EBA jurisdiction.

DIM_GAAP is the corresponding dimension table. Although DEFAULT_GAAP entry from ‘setup_master’ table continues to be considered for DIM_ACCOUNT population

RBI_GAAP_CODE This entry captures the GAAP code to be considered while moving data from STG tables to processing table for RBI jurisdiction INGAAP

This entry captures the GAAP code to be considered while moving data from STG tables to processing table for the purpose of regulatory computations as per the RBI jurisdiction.

DIM_GAAP is the corresponding dimension table. Although DEFAULT_GAAP entry from ‘setup_master’ table continues to be considered for DIM_ACCOUNT population

CALC_USED_PORTION_PLCD_COLL_USING_MKT_VALUE This entry captures the run purposes where used portion of placed collaterals is calculated using market values. Any new run purpose needs to be added with comma 3,7,16,18 This entry captures the list of Run purposes where the used portion of placed collaterals is calculated using market values. The default values for these are the Run Purpose codes corresponding to the Run Purposes Basel III Liquidity Ratios Calculation, and RBI Basel III Liquidity Ratio Calculation, EBA Delegated Act Liquidity Ratio Calculation, and BOT Liquidity Ratio Calculation. If this calculation is to be done for any new run purpose, its Run Purpose code needs to be added to this list separated by commas.
CALC_SLR_PLCD_COLL This entry captures the run purposes where the SLR amount from placed collaterals is calculated. Any new run purpose needs to be added with comma 7 This entry captures the Run purposes where the SLR eligible placed collaterals are to be identified and the SLR eligible amount is calculated. Currently the default value is 7 which corresponds to the RBI Run Purpose. If any other Run Purpose need this calculation, its Run Purpose Code should be added, separate by comma.
HIST_OPERATIONAL_BAL_CALC_UPD Operational Balance value calculation through the historical balance approach Y This entry captures the approach for identifying operational portion of accounts classified as operational deposits. A value of ‘Y’ indicates that the operational balance is calculated by the application using the historical balance approach where the historical time window to be considered is specified as part of the setup_master parameter ‘DAYS_HIST_OPER_BAL_CALC_UPD’. A value of ‘N’ indicates that such operational balance would be available as a download.
DAYS_HIST_OPER_BAL_CALC_UPD Number of Days considered for calculating Operational Balance value through the historical balance approach 90 This entry captures the historical time window to be considered while calculating the operational portion of accounts classified as operational deposits based on the historical balance approach. This value is captured in terms of days.
LRM_RBI_SME_AGG_FUNDING_AMT Funding Limit 50000000 This entry captures specifies the aggregate funding threshold for identifying the counterparties as SME’s based on limit specified by the regulator. The amount mentioned here is considered in INR.
SIGNIFICANT_COUNTERPARTY_LIAB Significant Counterparty - Percentage of Total Liability 0.01 This entry captures the minimum threshold, as a percentage of the total liability amount, for a counterparty to be considered significant. The default value is 0.01 which implies that if the total liabilities from a given counterparty are in excess of 1% of the total liabilities of the legal entity, the counterparty is considered significant.
CALC_ESLR_COLL This entry captures the run purposes where the market value for the ESLR staging types with net CBLO collaterals are calculated. Any new run purpose needs to be added with comma 7 This entry captures the run purposes where the market value for the ESLR staging types with net CBLO collaterals are calculated. Any new run purpose needs to be added with comma
DAYS_HIST_OPER_BAL_CALC_UPD Number of Days considered for calculating Operational Balance value through the historical balance approach 90 Number of Days considered for calculating Operational Balance value through the historical balance approach
EBA_AGG_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD This attribute captures the deposit threshold for treating the deposits from an SME equivalent to retail deposits as per EBA guidelines. As per EBA Delegated Act, liabilities from an SME would be treated similar to retail deposits where the aggregate deposits by such SME or company on a group basis do not exceed EUR 1 million. 1000000 This attribute captures the deposit threshold for treating the deposits from an SME equivalent to retail deposits as per EBA guidelines in terms of Euros. This relates to the threshold for aggregate deposits from a given customer, beyond which an SME would not be treated similar to retail deposits. For instance, if the value is specified as 1000000, any SME whose aggregate deposits do not exceed EUR 1000000 is treated similar to a retail customer.
EBA_CUST_EMPLOYEES_LIMIT This attribute captures the employee threshold for considering a particular party as an SME as per EBA guidelines. The EBA SME definition states that an enterprise must employ fewer than 250 employees to be classified as a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). 250 This attribute captures the employee threshold for considering a particular party as an SME as per EBA guidelines. This relates to the EBA SME definition which provides the employee threshold for an enterprise beyond which an enterprise is not eligible to be classified as an SME. For instance, if the value is provided as 250, then the application will consider only enterprises that employs less than 250 employees as an SME.
EBA_HQLA_ISSUE_SIZE_THRESHOLD_1 This attribute captures the first issue size threshold for classifying a covered bond or debt security as an HQLA in terms of Euros. In case of a non-Euro denominated security, the application will convert the issue size to Euros prior to comparing it with this value. 500000000 This attribute captures the first issue size threshold for classifying a covered bond or debt security as an HQLA in terms of Euros. In case of a non-Euro denominated security, the application will convert the issue size to Euros prior to comparing it with this value.
EBA_HQLA_ISSUE_SIZE_THRESHOLD_2 This attribute captures the second issue size threshold for classifying a covered bond or debt security as an HQLA in terms of Euros. In case of a non-Euro denominated security, the application will convert the issue size to Euros prior to comparing it with this value. 250000000 This attribute captures the second issue size threshold for classifying a covered bond or debt security as an HQLA in terms of Euros. In case of a non-Euro denominated security, the application will convert the issue size to Euros prior to comparing it with this value.
EBA_TOTAL_CUSTOMER_ANNUAL_SALES This attribute captures the annual turnover threshold for considering a particular party as an SME as per EBA guidelines. The EBA SME definition states that an enterprise should have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million to be classified as a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). 50000000 This attribute captures the annual turnover threshold for considering a particular party as an SME as per EBA guidelines in terms of Euros. This relates to the EBA SME definition which provides the threshold for the annual turnover beyond which an enterprise is not eligible to be classified as an SME. For instance, if the value is provided as 50000000, then the application will consider only enterprises whose annual turnover is up to this value as an SME.
EBA_TOTAL_CUSTOMER_ASSETS This attribute captures the annual balance sheet threshold for considering a particular party as an SME as per EBA guidelines. The EBA SME definition states that that an enterprise should have an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million to be classified as a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). 43000000 This attribute captures the annual balance sheet threshold for considering a particular party as an SME as per EBA guidelines in terms of Euros. This relates to the EBA SME definition which provides the threshold for the annual balance sheet total beyond which an enterprise is not eligible to be classified as an SME For instance, if the value is provided as 43000000, then the application will consider only enterprises whose annual balance sheet total is up to this value as an SME.
FALLCR_PERCENT SLR Securities Allowable under FALLCR in Percentage 9 This attribute captures the SLR eligible securities allowed to be included in the stock of HQLA under the Alternative Liquidity Approach allowed by RBI, the Facility to Avail Liquidity for Liquidity Coverage Ratio (FALLCR), as a percentage of the Net Demand and Term Liabilities (NDTL).
HIST_OPERATIONAL_BAL_CALC_UPD Operational Balance value calculation through the historical balance approach Y The attribute identified whether users want to compute the operational portion of the deposits classified as operational as per the regulatory criteria using the historical balance approach or provide it as a download. A value “Y” indicates that the operational balance is to be computed by the application.
MSF_PERCENT SLR Securities Allowable under Marginal Standing Facility in Percentage 2 This attribute captures the SLR eligible securities allowed to be included in the stock of HQLA under the Marginal Standing Facility, as a percentage of the Net Demand and Term Liabilities (NDTL).
NSFR_ENABLED This enables NSFR option in Run Management screen for mentioned purposes 3,7,18 This attribute enables the NSFR option in the Run Definition window for the Run Purpose Codes provided.
RBICASHFLOW_NSFR_BANDS Hierarchy for RBI NSFR Cash Flow Interval HLRMNS08 This hierarchy is setup parameterized as part of the requirement of the development of the UI screen for configurations of NSFR assumptions. This is because hierarchy is with respect to the cash flows intervals which is normally time bucket definitions for the other assumptions. This hierarchy contains the cash flow maturity bands as per RBI requirement.
ADDI_DER_LIA_RSF This attribute captures the percentage factor for the additional portion of derivative liabilities to be included as part of RSF assumption. 20 This attribute captures the percentage factor for the additional portion of derivative liabilities to be included as part of RSF assumption.
SEC_TRANS_TREATMENT_PURPOSE_VAL Secured Transactions Treatment Purpose Value

-1: Off

3: On

The secured transactions treatment purpose feature can be turned ‘ON’ to update the secured and unsecured calculations at account-collateral level.
LRM_BOT_SME_AGG_FUNDING_AMT BOT Funding Limit 50000000 This entry captures specifies the aggregate funding threshold for identifying the counterparties as SME’s based on limit specified by the regulator. The amount mentioned here is considered in THB.
LRM_REPLINE_TABLE The entry for LRM_REPLINE_TABLE is added in the setup_master table. The dimensions defined in the table FSI_LRM_REP_LINE_ATTR_DETAILS are displayed in the user interface along with the nodes of each hierarchy. FSI_LRM_REP_LINE_ATTR_DETAILS