18.1 Understanding Approval Work Flow

Each definition goes through multiple stages and has a status associated with it in each stage and the following table explains the status at each stage.

Table 17-1 Status Summary

Status Description
Draft When a new definition is created and saved for the first time it is in ‘Draft’ status. While in draft status, the user is allowed to make any necessary edits without a change in the version number.
Pending Approval When a definition is sent for approval but is not yet approved by the approver the status changes to ‘Pending Approval’. This does not result in a change in the version number.
Open When a definition is rejected by the approver, it changes to ‘Open’ status and is required to be updated or rectified. This does not result in a change in the version number. After the necessary updates have been made, it goes through the approval process again. You are allowed to delete a version in ‘Open’ status.
Approved When a definition has been approved by the LRM approver its status changes to ‘Approved’. An approved version of the definition, whose ‘Active’ status is Y, is picked up for execution. This does not result in a change in the version number.
In Review When a definition is edited post approval, but is not yet sent for the next round of approval, the status displayed is ‘In Review’. This edit will result in the creation of a new version of that definition with a new version number. This version of the definition is not picked up for execution till it is approved.

When a definition is retired, i.e. no longer required for further computations, its status changes to ‘Retired’. This action does not result in a change in the version number of the definition.

A retired definition no longer appears for selection in the Run Management window while defining new Runs. However, it can still be executed as part of an existing Run definition. A retired definition is not deleted as it was used previously and will be retained for audit purposes.

The steps which explain the approval work flow process and the tasks that a user can perform during each stage are as follows:
  1. To create a new definition, click Add icon in the Business Assumptions Summary window. On creation of a new definition it is in ‘Draft’ status. The icons which are enabled while a definition is in Draft status are as follows:
    • View
    • Edit
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • Send for Approval
    • Approval Summary
    The actions which are permissible when a definition is in ‘Draft’ status are as follows:
    • You can view the definition by clicking the View icon in the summary window. You cannot edit the values in View mode.
    • You can edit the definition by clicking the Edit icon in the summary window and make the required changes. This does not result in a new version.
    • You can copy the definition and save it with a new name by clicking the Copy icon in the summary window. The new definition will have the same attributes as the existing definition and will be created as version 0. This definition will be in ‘Draft’ status and the necessary edits can be made.
    • You are allowed to delete any definition which is in ‘Draft’ status, by selecting the definition from the summary window and clicking the Delete icon.
    • Once the definition is finalized, you can initiate the approval process by opening the definition in edit mode and clicking the Send for Approval icon in the definition window. This changes the status of the definition to ‘Pending Approval’.
    • You can view the approval workflow for the definition in the Approval Summary window, by clicking the Approval Summary icon. This window provides details of each change in the approval status.
  2. Once the definition is finalized, it is sent for approval and its status changes to ‘Pending Approval’. The icons which are enabled in the ‘Pending Approval’ status are as follows:
    • View
    • Copy
    • Approve
    • Reject
    • Approval Summary
    The actions which are permissible when a definition is in ‘Pending Approval’ status are as follows:
    • You can view the definition by clicking the View icon in the summary window. You cannot edit the values in View mode.
    • You can copy the definition and save it with a new name by clicking the Copy icon in the summary window. The new definition will have the same attributes as the existing definition and will be created as version 0. This definition will be in ’Draft’ status and the necessary edits can be made.
    • You can approve the definition, if you have the appropriate access rights, by clicking the Approve icon. You are allowed to add comments. The status changes to ‘Approved’ when you have completed the approval process.
    • You can reject the definition, if you have the appropriate access rights, by clicking the Reject icon. You are allowed to add comments. Rejecting a definition changes the status to ‘In Review’.
    • You can view the approval workflow for the definition in the Approval Summary window, by clicking the Approval Summary icon. This window provides details of each change in the approval status. This window provides details of each change in the approval status.


      The Approve or Reject buttons are present only for users who are mapped to the LRM Approver role.
  3. If a definition is rejected by the LRM approver, its status changes to ‘Open’. The icons which are enabled in the Open status are as follows:
    • View
    • Edit
    • Copy
    • Send for Approval
    • Approval Summary
    The actions which are permissible when a definition is in ‘Open’ status are as follows:
    • You can view the definition by clicking the View icon in the summary window. You cannot edit the values in View mode.
    • You can edit the definition by clicking the Edit icon in the summary window and make the required changes. Once the edits are saved, the status still remains in ‘Open’ status.
    • You can copy the definition and save it with a new name by clicking the Copy icon in the summary window. The new definition will have the same attributes as the existing definition and will be created as version 0. This definition will be in ‘Draft’ status and the necessary edits can be made.
    • After modifying the definition, you can send it again for approval, by clicking Send for Approval. This changes the status of the definition to ‘Pending Approval’.
    • You can view the approval workflow for the definition in the Approval Summary window, by clicking the Approval Summary icon. This window provides details of each change in the approval status.
  4. Once the definition is reviewed and approved it status changes to ‘Approved’. The icons which are enabled in the Approved status are as follows:
    • View
    • Edit
    • Copy
    • Make Active
    • Retire
    • Approval Summary
    The actions which are permissible when a definition is in ‘Approved’ status are as follows:
    • You can view the definition by clicking the View icon in the summary window. You cannot edit the values in View mode.
    • You can edit the definition by clicking the Edit icon in the summary window and make the required changes. The definition is still in ‘In Review’ status.
    • You can copy the definition and save it with a new name by clicking the Copy icon in the summary window. The new definition will have the same attributes as the existing definition and will be created as version 0. This definition will be in ‘Draft’ status and the necessary edits can be made.
    • If the definition is an older version that is not currently used for computations, you can make it active to be picked by for executions by clicking the Make Active icon in the summary window.
    • You can retire a definition when it is no longer applicable or required for calculations, by clicking Retire in the summary window.
    • You can view the approval workflow for the definition in the Approval Summary window, by clicking the Approval Summary icon. This window provides details of each change in the approval status.
  5. When an approved definition is edited, a new version of the definition is created with the status ‘In Review’. The icons which are enabled in the In Review status are as follows:
    • View
    • Edit
    • Copy
    • Send for Approval
    • Approval Summary
    The actions which are permissible when a definition is in ‘In Review’ status are as follows:
    • You can view the definition by clicking the View icon in the summary window. You cannot edit the values in View mode.
    • You can edit the definition by clicking the Edit icon in the summary window and make the required changes. The definition is still in ‘In Review’ status.
    • You can copy the definition and save it with a new name by clicking the Copy icon in the summary window. The new definition will have the same attributes as the existing definition and will be created as version 0. This definition will be in ‘Draft’ status and the necessary edits can be made.
    • You can send a definition for approval by clicking the Send for Approval icon in the definition window. This changes the status of the definition to ‘Pending Approval’.
    • You can view the approval workflow for the definition in the Approval Summary window, by clicking the Approval Summary icon. This window provides details of each change in the approval status.


      • Only a business assumption definition, once approved, can be edited. A new version of such the definition is created.
      • A Run, once approved, is not allowed to be edited. Hence, no versioning of Runs is supported.
  6. You can retire an approved definition, if it is no longer valid, by clicking the Retire icon. The icons which are enabled in the ‘Retire’ status are as follows:
    • View
    • Delete
    • Copy
    • Approval Summary
    The actions which are permissible when a definition is ‘Retired ‘status are as follows:
    • You can view the definition by clicking the View icon in the summary window. You cannot edit the values in View mode.
    • You are allowed to delete the retired definition by clicking the Delete icon. A retired business assumption is allowed to be deleted only if it is not used in any Run.
    • You can view the approval workflow for the definition in the Approval Summary window, by clicking the Approval Summary icon. This window provides details of each change in the approval status.
    The table below provides a snapshot of the UI functions that are enabled for each status:

    Figure 17-1 UI Functions

    Snapshot of UI Functions

    * Deletion is allowed only if the business assumption definition is not used in any Run
    The approval work flow and the logical change in each status is depicted as part of the process flow below:

    Figure 17-2 Approval Work Flow

    Approval Work Flow