8.1.2 Allocation of Deposit Insurance

As part of the Run execution, the application allocates the deposit insurance to accounts based on the guidelines specified by the SDIC Deposit Insurance. The insurance limit captured against each deposit insurance scheme is allocated to the insurance eligible accounts under that scheme based on the ownership category and the depositor combination.

The insurance limit, that is the maximum deposit balance covered by an insurance scheme per customer, is captured against each insurance scheme – ownership category combination. Customers having an account in multiple legal entities get a separate deposit insurance limit per legal entity. For the SDIC Deposit Insurance scheme, the limit amount should be provided in Stage Insurance Scheme Master table at the granularity of Insurance Scheme.

The insurance limit is allocated to accounts as follows:
  1. The application identifies the established relationship flag at a customer level.
  2. The accounts are sorted by the specified product type prioritizations.
  3. The insurance allocation is done based on the principal balance from the highest to the least, in the order of product type prioritization.
  4. The insurance limit available, is allocated to account 1 to n – 1 as per the formula given below:

Where, Insurance Limit Available : Limit available post allocation to previous accounts = Insurance Limit Available n-1 – Insured Amount x-1

x: Number of accounts up to the current account to which insured amount is to be allocated

n: Total number of accounts of a customer which are eligible for insurance coverage under a given ownership category

The remaining available insurance is allocated to the last account such an Account N, for which insurance was not allocated. If the insurance limit is available after allocating to the principal balances, it is allocated to the accrued interest from the highest to the least in the order of Product Type prioritization. This procedure is illustrated in the following table, considering an insurance limit of 50,000 Singapore Dollar (SGD) for each depositor combination under each ownership category for each legal entity follows:


  • For Single, Joint and Sole proprietorship category, insurance limit is aggregated for each customer per legal entity.
  • Each account holder in joint ownership category has equal share for insurance calculation until specifically provided by the legal entity.
  • Trusts with distinct account number are treated separately. Trust accounts are insured on a per account –beneficiary basis without aggregation.
  • Client accounts with distinct account number are treated separately. Client accounts are insured on a per account basis without aggregation.

The inputs to this calculation, including account details and customer details are provided in the following table:

Table 7-1 Account and customer details

Legal Entity Account Number Standard Product Type Account Balance Account Currency Ownership Category Primary Holder Secondary Holder Account Attribute Unique Depositor Combination Limit Applicable Total Deposit per Unique Depositor Insured Amount Uninsured Amount
Legal Entity 1 100001 Saving Account 40,000 SGD Single Customer 001 1 50,000 110,665 50,000 60,665
Legal Entity 1 100002 Current Account 36,903 SGD Single Customer 001
Legal Entity 1 100003 Term Deposit 33,762 SGD Single Customer 001
Legal Entity 1 100004 Term Deposit 40,681 USD Single Customer 001 40,681 40,681
Legal Entity 1 100005 Saving Account 7,355 SGD Single Customer 002 2 50,000 29,852.50 29,852.50
Legal Entity 1 100006 Term Deposit 44,995 SGD Joint Customer 002 Joint Account with Customer 003
Legal Entity 1 100007 Term Deposit 44,995 SGD Joint Customer 003 Joint Account with Customer 002 3 50,000 22,497.50 22,497.50
Legal Entity 1 100008 Saving Account 7,568 SGD Single Customer 004 4 50,000 44,773 44,773.00
Legal Entity 1 100009 Saving Account 37,205 SGD Sole proprietorship Customer 004
Legal Entity 1 200100 Saving Account 29,451 SGD Single Customer 101 5 50,000 86,390 50,000 36,390
Legal Entity 1 200101 Current Account 79,640 SGD Joint Customer 101 Joint Account with Customer 102
Legal Entity 1 200102 Term Deposit 10,700 SGD Joint Customer 101 Joint Account with Customer 103
Legal Entity 1 200103 Term Deposit 11,769 SGD Sole proprietorship Customer 101
Legal Entity 1 200103 Term Deposit 79,640 SGD Joint Customer 102 Joint Account with Customer 101 6 50,000 39,820 39,820.00
Legal Entity 2 100010 Saving Account 7,337 SGD Single Customer 005 7 50,000 7,337 7,337.00
Legal Entity 3 100011 Term Deposit 45,016 SGD Trust Customer 005 For benefit of son 8 50,000 45,016 45,016.00
Legal Entity 4 100012 Term Deposit 6,574 SGD Trust Customer 005 For benefit of daughter 9 50,000 6,574 6,574.00
Legal Entity 5 100013 Saving Account 4,759 SGD Trust Customer 005 For benefit of spouse 10 50,000 4,759 4,759.00
Legal Entity 6 100014 Saving Account 20,517 SGD Company Customer 008 Office Account 11 50,000 20,517 20,517.00
Legal Entity 7 100015 Saving Account 24,254 SGD Company Customer 008 Client Account for Customer X 12 50,000 24,254 24,254.00
Legal Entity 8 100016 Saving Account 68,691 SGD Company Customer 008 Client Account for Customer Y 13 50,000 68,691 50,000.00 18,691.00
Legal Entity 9 100017 Saving Account 68,691 SGD Single Customer X 14 50,000 68,691 50,000.00 18,691.00
Legal Entity 1 100018 Deposit 50,101 SGD CPFIS Customer 501 15 50,000 50,101 50,000.00 101.00
Legal Entity 1 100019 Deposit 45,493 SGD CPFRS Customer 502 16 50,000 45,493 45,493.00
Legal Entity 1 100020 Deposit 14,252 SGD CPFRS Customer 503 17 50000 64,590 50000 14590
Legal Entity 1 100021 Deposit 50,338 SGD CPFIS Customer 503
Legal Entity 1 100022 Deposit 58,412 SGD Single Customer 504 18 50,000 58,412 50,000.00 8,412.00
Legal Entity 1 100023 Deposit 10,700 SGD CPFRS Customer 504 19 50000 52,469 50000 2469
Legal Entity 1 100024 Deposit 41,769 SGD CPFIS Customer 504