9.2 Identification of Deposit Stability

Once the insurance limit is allocated at an account level, the application determines the deposit stability as follows:

  1. Stable Deposits

    A stable deposit is that portion of a deposit which is covered by deposit insurance provided by an effective Deposit Insurance Scheme or a public guarantee that provides equivalent protection and which satisfies one of the following conditions:

    • It is held in a transactional account by the Depositor


    • The Depositor has an established relationship with the reporting legal entity. The application identifies the existence of an established relationship if the depositor meets one of the following criteria:
    • The Depositor holds more than one account with the bank, of which at least one account should be of a typed other than a deposit.


    • The bank has assigned a customer relationship manager to the depositor.

      If a deposit is partially covered by insurance and meets the other criteria, the insured portion of such deposits is treated as stable while the uninsured portion is treated as less stable. Stable deposits receive a 5% run-off rate.

  2. Less Stable Deposits

    All insured and uninsured deposit or funding balances that do not meet the stable deposits criteria specified earlier are classified as less stable deposits: This includes:

    • Uninsured balance of deposits meeting stable deposits criteria
    • Insured balance of deposits which are not transactional account and the customer has no established relationship with the bank
    • Deposit balance where the insurance coverage status is Uninsured

    Less stable deposits receive a 10% run-off rate.