Account List for Product Type

This section describes the parameters of the Account List for Product Type Report.

Table 8-7 Account List for Product type Report Parameters

Report Name Account List for Product type
Report Level Filters Not applicable
Report Description This report shows a breakdown of the constituents of the liquidity maintenance ratio at the account level. It also shows various other dimensions that were used as qualifying criteria for inclusion into the LMR.
Report Type Tabular Report
  • Account Number
  • Product Type
  • Counterparty Type
  • Early Withdrawal Flag
  • Withdrawal Notice Period
  • Central Bank Eligibility Flag
  • Issuer Type
  • Issuer
  • Issuer Domicile
  • Marketable Flag
  • Guarantor Type
  • Guarantor
  • (Guarantor) Domicile
  • Qualifying ECAI Rating
  • Qualifying ECAI Issue Specific Rating
  • Qualifying ECAI Issuer Rating
  • Rediscountable Flag
  • Purchase Commitment Flag
  • Central Bank Exclusion Flag
  • Lien Marked Deposit
  • Balance Sheet Category
  • Renewable Flag
  • Fully Performing Flag
  • Cash flow Maturity (Loan Account)
  • Secured Indicator
  • Last Payment Flag (Processing)
  • Residual Maturity
  • Liquefiable Asset
  • Qualifying Liability(Processing)
  • Deductions from Liquefiable Assets( Processing)
  • Qualifying Deduction to Liabilities (Processing)
Base Measures Fair Value, Balance
Computed Measures Not applicable
Drill-through On Bank Products
Drill-through’s Drilldown Level 2 - Account List for Product type