Calculating Contractually Receivable Collateral

The application computes the value of the collateral that a derivative counterparty is required to post contractually to the bank as per the below procedure:

  1. If Secured Indicator = No, then the contractually receivable collateral is 0. Else
  2. If Secured Indicator = Yes and Gross Exposure is <= 0, then the contractually receivable collateral is 0. Else
  3. If Secured Indicator = Yes and Gross Exposure is >0, then the application computes the contractually receivable collateral as follows:

Figure 3-9 Contractually Receivable Collateral

This image displays the Contractually Receivable Collateral.

The Contractually Receivable Collateral does not receive a pre-specified inflow rate from the regulator and therefore, excluded from the LCR calculations. However, the application computes this to report.