9.2.2 MA (BS)1E - Return of Liquidity Position of an Authorized Institution

The following table describes the parameters in the regulatory template MA(BS)1E - Return of Liquidity Position of an Authorized Institution.

Table 8-10 MA(BS)1E - Return of Liquidity Position of an Authorized Institution

BI Publisher Name HKMA Templates
Report Name MA(BS)1E - Liquidity Position
Report Description This report displays LCR for category I institution and LMR for category II institutions.
Report Type Tabular Report - BI Publisher
Report Level Filters
  • As of Date: Select the as of date from drop down list.
  • Institution Category: Select category from drop down list.
  • Run: Select Run from dropdown list.
  • Consolidation Type: Select the Consolidation Type from dropdown list.
  • Entity: Select entity from dropdown list.

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

  • High Quality Liquid Assets
  • Total Expected Cash Outflows
  • Total Expected Cash Inflows

Liquidity Maintenance Ratio:

  • Liquefiable Assets
  • Qualifying Liabilities
  • Deduction from Qualifying Liabilities
  • Qualifying Liabilities after Deductions

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

  • Principal Amount
  • Weight
  • Weighted Amount
  • Breakdown of weighted amount by currencies

Liquidity Maintenance Ratio:

  • Principal Amount
  • Liquidity Conversion factor
  • Weighted amount
  • Breakdown of weighted amount by currencies
Report Location Shared Folders/HKMA/Regulatory Reporting Templates / Return_Template_MA (BS) 1E