5.1.1 Net Due from Banks

This computation reflects the net amount to be received by the bank in question from other banks at an aggregate level. If this resulting amount is positive, it indicates that the bank is to receive amounts from other banks and is therefore treated as an Asset. If this resulting amount is negative, it indicates that the bank owes the amount to other banks and is therefore treated as a Liability.

The computation is done as follows:

Table 4-1 Illustration – Computation of Net Due from Banks

Standard Product type Standard Party Type (Counterparty) Measure Residual Maturity Example 1 Net Due From Banks - Example1 Example 2 Net Due From Banks - Example 2
Liabilities of the Institution to other banks
Deposits All Banks excluding Central Bank EOP Balance <=1 month 4000 1240 3000 -190
Borrowings Fair Value 2300 1200
Line of Credit received Drawn Amount 110 400
Securities Issued Fair Value 3000 4000
Liabilities from banks to the Institution
Balances with banks All Banks excluding Central Bank EOP Balance <=1 month 1000 1300
Non Marketable Debt Securities (Marketable Flag=No) Fair Value 3500 4090
Loans EOP Balance 6000 2920
Line of Credit Drawn Amount 150 100


  1. This computation is done at a Legal Entity - Currency level.
  2. Net Due from Banks is the (Total Liabilities from banks to the institution minus the Total Liabilities of the institution to other banks) in a one-month calendar period.