Supplementary Information for the Section Part 4 - Table B3

Table B3 is part of supplementary information under Part 4 of Liquidity Monitoring Tool Return. Treatment of the line items of the table is detailed below:

Line item 40: The application expects the user to upload the historical data for Demand, savings and current account deposits (Part4 – item 1(b)) in FSI_LRM_PASSTHRU_REP_DATA table. If the data is not available in the table, the application uses current run to arrive at lowest of last 12 months (month end) amount.

Refer DL Specs document for more details on FSI_LRM_PASSTHRU_REP_DATA table. Also check below tasks in runchart document for details:


Line item 41-43: Bucket wise percentage or amount is to be uploaded in FSI_LRM_PASSTHRU_REP_DATA table by the user for lines 41 to 43. Application specific rules are configured which will refer to the data provided in table FSI_LRM_PASSTHRU_REP_DATA and process the same to meet reporting requirements.

Refer below tasks in Runchart document for more details:

  • HKMA - LMT - PART4 B3 - Reporting Line Surrogate Key Update
  • HKMA - LMT - PART4 B3 - Reporting Line Amount Update

Follow these steps to populate the table:

  1. Populate the table FCT_LRM_LIQUIDITY_RPT_DTLS using the following Reporting lines.

    Table 3-13 Reporting Lines used to populate the FCT_LRM_LIQUIDITY_RPT_DTLS table

    Sl. No. Reporting Line Surrogate Key Reporting Line Name
    1 960368 40.Demand, savings and current account deposits (referred to in item 1(b)) according to the lowest month-end balance recorded in past 12 months
    2 960369 41.Irrevocable loan commitments or facilities granted (referred to in item 11(b)) - according to estimated dates and amounts of drawdown by customers
    3 960370 42.Off-balance sheet obligations (referred to in item 14(b)) - according to estimated dates and amounts of payment to customers
    4 960371 43.Loans and advances to non-bank customers (referred to in item 24) according to estimated dates and amounts of repayment by customers
  2. Populate the following mandatory columns in the FCT_LRM_LIQUIDITY_RPT_DTLS table:

    Table 3-14 Columns to be populated in the FCT_LRM_LIQUIDITY_RPT_DTLS table

    Logical Name Column Name Comments
    Extraction Date Surrogate Key N_MIS_DATE_SKEY $MISDATE
    Run Surrogate Key N_RUN_SKEY $RUNSK
    Liquidity Reporting Record Identifier N_LIQ_REP_RECORD_ID

    Running Sequence number.

    Use the following expression to populate the column:


    Legal Entity Surrogate Key N_ENTITY_SKEY Reporting Entity Surrogate Key
    Reporting Line Surrogate Key N_REP_LINE_SKEY The respective Reporting Line Surrogate Key from the table above: Reporting Lines used to populate the FCT_LRM_LIQUIDITY_RPT_DTLS.
    Maturity Band Surrogate key. N_MATURITY_BAND_SKEY

    Refer the following Surrogate Keys to populate the respective bands:

    • 2: Next Day
    • 3: 2 to 7 days
    • 4: 8 days to 1 month
    • 5: > 1 month up to 3 months
    • 6: > 3 months up to 6 months
    • 7: > 6 months up to 1 year
    • 8: > 1 year up to 2 years
    • 9: > 2 years up to 3 years
    • 10: > 3 years up to 5 years
    • 11: Over 5 years
    • 12: Balancing amount

    Reporting Line Amount in Reporting Currency N_REP_LINE_AMT_RCY Reporting Line Amount of the respective reporting line.


    OFS LRRCHKMA currently does not support the feature required for the computation of Table B3. You must provide the data as a download input following step 1 and step 2.