Calculation of Net Cumulative Peak Day amount using Add-on Approach

The proposed net cumulative add – on approach is calculated in two step process as specified below:
  1. Cash outflows and inflows over the 30 calendar-day period are aggregated and netted against one another, with the aggregated inflows capped at 75 percent of the aggregated outflows.
  2. Calculation of add-on, which requires a covered company to identify the largest single-day maturity mismatch within the 30 calendar-day period by calculating the daily difference in cumulative outflows and inflows that have set maturity dates, as specified by section 31 of the final rule, within the 30 calendar-day period. The day with the largest difference reflects the net cumulative peak day. The covered company must calculate the difference between that peak day amount and the net cumulative outflow amount on the last day of the 30 calendar-day period for those same outflow and inflow categories that have maturity dates within the 30 calendar-day period. This difference equals the add-on. The amounts calculated in steps one and two are added together to determine the total net cash outflow.


    • In calculating the add-on, both the net cumulative peak day amount and the net cumulative outflow amount on the last day of the 30 calendar-day period cannot be less than zero.
    • The categories of inflows and outflows included in the add-on calculation comprise those categories that are the most likely to expose covered companies to maturity mismatches within the 30 calendar-day period, such as repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements with financial sector entities, whereas outflows such as non-maturity retail deposits are not a part of the add-on calculation.
    • Transactions that have no maturity date are not included in the calculation of the maturity mismatch add-on.