US LCR Contractual Run

The list of pre-configured rules and the corresponding reference to the regulatory requirement that it addresses is provided in the following table:

Table 3-7 List of pre-configured rules and Regulatory Requirement Addressed

Sl. No. Process Name Task Name Regulatory Requirement Addressed Regulation WW, Final Rule, Liquidity Coverage Ratio: Liquidity Risk Measurement Standards, Sep 2014 Reference
1 LRM - US LCR Party and Product Type Reclassification LRM - Standard Party Type Reclassification This is a reclassification rule to reclassify all bank party type to standard party type in FSI_PARTY_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION table. Further all the OOB rules and Business assumptions are defined on Standard Party Type.
LRM - Standard Product Type Reclassification This is a reclassification rule to reclassify all bank products to standard product type in FSI_REG_PROD_TYPE_RECLASS table. Further all the OOB rules and Business assumptions are defined on Standard Product Type.
LRM - Classification of Products as Open Maturity

This rule is used to identify which products bank is treating as Open Maturity Products. Based on which the cash flows movement from STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS TO FCT_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS of the products marked as Open Maturity is aggregated and posted to Open Maturity Time Bucket.

As part of OOB solution the products marked as open maturity includes Credit Cards, Current Account and Saving Account, Common Equity, Equity, Other Equity, Other Preference Shares

Preference Shares - Cumulative, Preference Shares - Non Cumulative, Home Equity and Overdraft.

2 LRM - US LCR GL Data Population LRM - Capital Accounting Head Reclassification This rule reclassifies capital account head to standard account head items.
3 LRM - US LCR Mitigant Data Population LRM - Mitigant Sub Type Classification This is a reclassification rule to reclassify all Mitigants product to standard product type in FCT_MITIGANTS.
4 LRM - US LCR Account Derived Attributes LRM - Time Bucket Assignment for Account Attributes This Rule updates the time bucket assignment for account attributes like Effective Maturity, Embedded Option Next Call Date and Effective Residual Maturity.
LRM - Lendable Amount Calculation

This computation rule is used to compute Lendable Amount. Lendable amount is the portion of Fair Value at which covered company can lend/sale the asset. In OOB solution, lendable amount is 100% of fair value of the asset. Lendable amount can vary based on product type, customer type and so on. You can update the rule based on dimensional combination if required.

The lendable value is required for the FR2052 reports. In the application a placeholder rule is created for calculation of this value. It is recommended to improvise the rule to include other relevant variables like product /customer type and so on to arrive at the lendable value.

LRM - Classification Of Customers As Retail And Wholesale This rule is to identify customer as retail or wholesale based on customer type. This identifier is further used in business assumptions to identify whether a customer is retail or wholesale.
LRM - Classification Of Trust To Retail

This rule reclassifies if a trust customer can be treated as retail. Identification of Trust is done based on customer type. By default Trust are treated as wholesale. A trust customer is treated as retail based on the following criteria:

  • Is solely for the benefit of natural persons
  • Does not have a corporate trustee
  • Terminates within 21 years and 10 months after the death of grantors or beneficiaries of the trust living on the effective date of the trust or within 25 years, if applicable under state law.
§ __.3 Definitions.pg.337

LRM - Classification Of Small Business Customers To Retail

This rule reclassifies if a small business customer can be treated as retail. Identification of small business customer is done based on customer type. By default small business customer are treated as wholesale. A business customer is treated as retail customer, based on the following criteria:

  • The bank manages its transactions with the business customer, including deposits, unsecured funding, and credit facility and liquidity facility transactions, in the same way it manages its transactions with individuals.
  • Transactions with the business customer have liquidity risk characteristics that are similar to comparable transactions with individuals
  • The total aggregate funding raised from the business customer is less than $1.5 million;
§ __.3 Definitions.pg.337
LRM - Identification Of Customer As Sovereign Or MDB Or US GSE This rule is to identify customer is a Sovereign or MDB or US GSE with 0 % risk weight. This flag is defined for the ease of defining business assumption.
LRM - Undrawn Amount Within Liquidity Horizon Update

This rule computes portion of undrawn amount that can be withdrawn in liquidity horizon period. OOB considers Hundred Percent of undrawn amount can be drawn.

The user can update the rule based on multi-dimensional combination like product, customer, currency and so on, if required.

LRM - Country liquidity risk indicator for NCOF This computation rule updates account liquidity risk flag for a legal entity having debt securities issued by a foreign sovereign in that foreign currency. The rule checks if that legal entity has foreign operations other than pure trading operations.
LRM - Mitigant Country Liquidity Risk Flag Update For NCOF This computation rule updates mitigants liquidity risk flag for a legal entity having debt securities issued by a foreign sovereign in that foreign currency. The rule checks if that legal entity has foreign operations other than pure trading operations.
LRM_FSI_MTM_COLL_VALL_FLI_POP This T2T populates absolute value of the largest 30-consecutive calendar day cumulative net mark-to-market collateral outflow or inflow realized during the preceding 24 months resulting from derivative transaction valuation changes. The data is populated from FSI_MTM_COLL_VAL_CHANGE to FLI_LRM_INSTRUMENT for the legal entities selected in run. In case of consolidated run data is moved only for consolidated legal entity.
5 LRM - US LCR Time Bucketing and Account Cash Flow Population LRM - Spot or Forward Rate Assignment for Currency Conversion This Rule assigns the spot or forward rate assignment for currency conversion.
6 LRM - US LCR Account Insured and Uninsured Amount Computation LRM - US LCR Insurance Eligible Currency Population This Rule is used to identify eligible currency applicable for the insurance scheme.
US_LCR_INS_UNINS_AMT_CAL This DT calculates the insured and un-insured amount at Account Customer Level. This is performed at ownership category level.
LRM - Account Fully Covered This Rule updates account fully covered flag in FSI_LRM_INSTRUMENT table. If the EOP balance of the account is same as insured amount, then account is considered as fully insured.
LRM - Insurance Scheme Cover Type Update This rule is used to identify whether an account is fully insured or partially insured or uninsured in FSI_LRM_INSTRUMENT table. If EOP balance is same as insured amount then it is fully insured. If the insured amount is zero then it is uninsured and partially insured elsewhere.
7 LRM - US LCR Account Stable Amount Computation LRM - US LCR Deposit Stability - Stable Amount Calculation This rule calculates stable amount of a deposit account. The stable retail deposit means a retail deposit that is entirely covered by deposit insurance and is held by the depositor in a transactional account or the depositor that holds the account has another established relationship with the bank such as another deposit account, a loan, bill payment services, or any similar service or product provided to the depositor that the bank demonstrates to the satisfaction of the agency would make deposit withdrawal highly unlikely during a liquidity stress event. If the deposit account satisfies the criteria of stable amount, then the EOP balance is considered as stable amount. § __.3 Definitions.pg.339
LRM - US LCR Deposit Stability - Less Stable Amount Calculation This rule calculates less stable amount of a deposit account. If the deposit account does not satisfy the criteria of stable amount, then the EOP balance is considered as less stable amount.
LRM - US LCR Account Fully Stable Calculation This rule is used to identify whether an account is fully stable or not in FSI_LRM_INSTRUMENT table. If the stable amount is same as EOP balance then yes else No.
8 LRM - US LCR Account Operational Amount Computation LRM - Meets Operational Services Flag Update

This rule updates operation services flag based on the deposit primary purpose

If the deposit primary purpose is same as operational services specified in the regulation then yes else No. The operational services includes the following: payment remittance, payroll administration and control over the disbursement of funds, transmission, reconciliation, and confirmation of payment orders, daylight overdraft, determination of intra-day and final settlement positions, settlement of securities transactions, transfer of recurring contractual payments, client subscriptions and redemptions, scheduled distribution of client funds, escrow, funds transfer, stock transfer, and agency services, including payment and settlement services, payment of fees, taxes, and other expenses; and collection and aggregation of funds.

All operational deposits placed by the bank are identified in a similar manner to that of operational deposits placed by the customer. The operational amount is identified for both assets and liabilities using the same derivation logic.

Definition of “Operational Services”(pg.no.222)
LRM - Classification Of Deposits As Operational And Non-Operational Amount

This rule classifies a deposit is an operational deposit or not. In order to recognize a deposit as an operational deposit for purposes of this part, a covered company must comply with the requirements of operational deposit

The related operational services must be performed pursuant to a legally binding written agreement, and:

The termination of the agreement must be subject to a minimum 30 calendar-day notice period; or

As a result of termination of the agreement or transfer of services to a third-party provider, the customer providing the deposit would incur significant contractual termination costs or switching costs;

The deposit must be held in an account designated as an operational account;

The customer must hold the deposit at the covered company for the primary purpose of obtaining the operational services provided by the covered company;

The deposit account must not be designed to create an economic incentive for the customer to maintain excess funds therein through increased revenue, reduction in fees, or other offered economic incentives;

§ __.3 Definitions.pg.340

The covered company must demonstrate that the deposit is empirically linked to the operational services and that it has a methodology that takes into account the volatility of the average balance for identifying any excess amount, which must be excluded from the operational deposit amount;

The deposit must not be provided in connection with the covered company’s provision of prime brokerage services, which, for the purposes of this part, are a package of services offered by the covered company whereby the covered company, among other services, executes, clears, settles, and finances transactions entered into by the customer or a third-party entity on behalf of the customer (such as an executing broker), and where the covered company has a right to use or rehypothecate assets provided by the customer, including in connection with the extension of margin and other similar financing of the customer, subject to applicable law, and includes operational services provided to a non-regulated fund;

The deposits must not be for arrangements in which the covered company (as correspondent) holds deposits owned by another depository institution bank (as respondent) and the respondent temporarily places excess funds in an overnight deposit with the covered company.

9 LRM - US LCR Pre - HQLA Classification LRM - Instruments - Liquid And Readily Marketable Flag Update

This rule reclassifies an account as liquid and readily marketable based on the following criteria:

  • It is traded in an active secondary market
  • Has more than 2 committed market makers
  • Has a two-way market
  • Has timely and observably market prices
  • Has high trading volumes

Common Rule:

Subpart A § __.3 Definitions; Page 330 – 331

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria; Page 343 – 345

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 a The Liquid and Readily-Marketable Standard; Page 47 – 50

LRM - Mitigants - Liquid And Readily Marketable Flag Update

This rule reclassifies a mitigant as liquid and readily marketable based on the following criteria:

  • It is traded in an active secondary market
  • Has more than 2 committed market makers
  • Has a two-way market
  • Has timely and observably market prices
  • Has high trading volumes

Common Rule:

Subpart A § __.3 Definitions; Page 330 – 331

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria; Page 343 – 345

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 a The Liquid and Readily-Marketable Standard; Page 47 – 50

10 LRM - US LCR HQLA Reclassification LRM - Corporate Debt Security

This rule reclassifies a liquid and readily marketable corporate debt security as a level 2B high quality liquid asset if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is classified as investment grade.
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions. Reliability is proven if price has not decreased or haircut increased by 20% over a 30-day stress period.
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (1); Page 345 – 346

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e i Corporate Debt Securities; Page 77 – 79

LRM - Publicly Traded Shares of Common Stock

This rule reclassifies a publicly traded common equity share as a level 2B high quality liquid asset if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is included in Russell 100 Index or an index that the bank’s supervisor in a foreign jurisdiction recognizes for inclusion in Level 2B assets if the share is held in that jurisdiction.
  • Issued in US Dollars or in the currency of the jurisdiction in which the bank operates and holds the common equity share to cover net cash outflows in that jurisdiction.
  • Issued by an entity whose publicly traded common equity shares have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions. Reliability is proven if price has not decreased or haircut increased by 40% over a 30-day stress period.
  • Not issued by a financial sector entity and not issued by a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity.
  • If held by a depository institution, is not acquired in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted (DPC).

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (2); Page 346 – 347

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e ii Publicly Traded Shares of Common Stock; Page 79 – 85

LRM - U.S. GSE Securities This rule reclassifies a security issued by, or guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, a U.S. government-sponsored enterprise, that is investment grade under 12 CFR part 1 as of the calculation date, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset provided the claim is senior to preferred stock.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (1); Page 344

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d i U.S. GSE Securities; Page 70 – 75

LRM - Instruments - Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities For Level2A

This rule reclassifies a security issued by, or unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (2); Page 344 – 345

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d ii Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 75 – 76

LRM - Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities for Issuer This rule reclassifies a security issued by a sovereign entity that is not assigned a zero percent risk weight, where the sovereign entity issues the security in its own currency, the security is liquid and readily-marketable, and the bank holds the security in order to meet its net cash outflows in the jurisdiction of the sovereign entity, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (6); Page 344

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c v Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities; Page 67

LRM - Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities for Guarantor This rule reclassifies a security unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a sovereign entity that is not assigned a zero percent risk weight, where the security is issued in the currency of the sovereign entity, is liquid and readily-marketable, and the bank holds the security in order to meet its net cash outflows in the jurisdiction of the sovereign entity, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (6); Page 344

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c v Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities; Page 67

LRM - Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities for Issuer as Level1 Asset

This rule reclassifies a security issued by a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (5); Page 343 – 344

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iv Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 65 – 67

LRM - Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities for Guarantor as Level1 Asset

This rule reclassifies a security unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (5); Page 343 – 344

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iv Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 65 – 67

LRM - United States Government Securities

This rule reclassifies the following securities as level 1 high quality liquid assets:

A security issued by, or unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, the U.S. Department of the Treasury

A security issued by any other U.S. government agency whose obligations are fully and explicitly guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, provided that they are liquid and readily-marketable.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (3) and (4); Page 343

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iii United States Government Securities; Page 64 – 65

LRM - Foreign Withdrawable Reserves For Instruments As Level 1 Asset

This rule reclassifies any reserves held in a foreign central bank that do not have restrictions on use, i.e. are freely withdrawable, and denominated in the local currency of that foreign country, as level 1 high quality liquid assets. The classification of reserves as level 1 high quality liquid assets includes term deposits held at the foreign central bank that fulfill any one of the criteria specified below:

  • Can be withdrawn on demand prior to maturity
  • Can be pledged as collateral for term or automatically-renewing overnight advances from a Federal Reserve Bank

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (2); Page 343

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c ii Foreign Withdrawable Reserves; Page 64

LRM - Instrument - Federal Reserve Bank Balances

This rule reclassifies reserves held with any US Federal Reserve Bank, both held directly or through a correspondent bank, as level 1 high quality liquid assets. The classification of reserves as level 1 high quality liquid assets includes term deposits held at a US Federal Reserve Bank, both directly or through a correspondent bank, that fulfill any one of the criteria specified below:

  • Can be withdrawn on demand prior to maturity
  • Can be pledged as collateral for term or automatically-renewing overnight advances from a Federal Reserve Bank

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (1); Page 343

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c i Reserve Bank Balances; Page 60 – 63

11 LRM - US LCR Mitigant HQLA Reclassification LRM - Mitigants - Corporate Debt Security As L2B

This rule reclassifies a liquid and readily marketable corporate debt security, received as a mitigant, as a level 2B high quality liquid asset if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is classified as investment grade
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions. Reliability is proven if price has not decreased or haircut increased by 20% over a 30-day stress period.
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (1); Page 345 – 346

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e i Corporate Debt Securities; Page 77 – 79

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigant - Publicly Traded Shares Of Common Stock As L2B

This rule reclassifies a publicly traded common equity share, received as a mitigant, as a level 2B high quality liquid asset if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is included in Russell 100 Index or an index that the bank’s supervisor in a foreign jurisdiction recognizes for inclusion in Level 2B assets if the share is held in that jurisdiction
  • Issued in US Dollars or in the currency of the jurisdiction in which the bank operates and holds the common equity share to cover net cash outflows in that jurisdiction
  • Issued by an entity whose publicly traded common equity shares have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions. Reliability is proven if price has not decreased or haircut increased by 40% over a 30-day stress period.
  • Not issued by a financial sector entity and not issued by a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity.
  • If held by a depository institution, is not acquired in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted (DPC)
  • If held by a consolidated subsidiary of the bank, it can include the publicly traded common equity share in its level 2B liquid assets only if the share is held to cover net cash outflows of its consolidated subsidiary in which the publicly traded common equity share is held.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (2); Page 346 – 347

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e ii Publicly Traded Shares of Common Stock; Page 79 – 85

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigant - U.S. GSE Securities For Guarantor As Level 2A This rule reclassifies a security received as a mitigant, which is guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a U.S. government-sponsored enterprise, that is investment grade under 12 CFR part 1 as of the calculation date, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset provided the claim is senior to preferred stock.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (1); Page 344

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d i U.S. GSE Securities; Page 70 – 75

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigant - U.S. GSE Securities For Issuer As Level 2A This rule reclassifies a security, received as a mitigant, issued by a U.S. government-sponsored enterprise, that is investment grade under 12 CFR part 1 as of the calculation date, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset provided the claim is senior to preferred stock.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (1); Page 344

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d i U.S. GSE Securities; Page 70 – 75

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigant - Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities for L2A

This rule reclassifies a security, received as a mitigant, issued by, or unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (2); Page 344 – 345

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d ii Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 75 – 76

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities for Issuer This rule reclassifies a security, received as a mitigant, issued by a sovereign entity that is not assigned a zero percent risk weight, where the sovereign entity issues the security in its own currency, the security is liquid and readily-marketable, and the bank holds the security in order to meet its net cash outflows in the jurisdiction of the sovereign entity, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (6); Page 344

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c v Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities; Page 67

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigant - Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities For Guarantor As Level 1 This rule reclassifies a security, received as a mitigant, unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a sovereign entity that is not assigned a zero percent risk weight, where the security is issued in the currency of the sovereign entity, is liquid and readily-marketable, and the bank holds the security in order to meet its net cash outflows in the jurisdiction of the sovereign entity, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (6); Page 344

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c v Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities; Page 67

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - Certain Sovergn and Multilateral Organization Securities for Guarantor as L1 Asset

This rule reclassifies a security, received as a mitigant, unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (5); Page 343 – 344

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iv Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 65 – 67

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - Certain Svrgn and Multilateral Organization Securities for Issuer as Level1 Asset

This rule reclassifies a security, received as a mitigant, issued by a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (5); Page 343 – 344

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iv Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 65 – 67

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - United States Government Securities For Guarantor As Level 1 Assets This rule reclassifies a security received as a mitigant that is unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (3) and (4); Page 343

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iii United States Government Securities; Page 64 – 65

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - United States Government Securities For Issuer As Level 1 Assets

This rule reclassifies the following securities received as mitigants, as level 1 high quality liquid assets:

A security issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury

A security issued by any other U.S. government agency whose obligations are fully and explicitly guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, provided that they are liquid and readily-marketable.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (3) and (4); Page 343

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iii United States Government Securities; Page 64 – 65

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

12 LRM - US LCR Substitutable Collateral HQLA Reclassification LRM - Substitutable Collateral - Corporate Debt Security As L2B

This rule reclassifies a liquid and readily marketable corporate debt security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, as a level 2B high quality liquid asset if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is classified as investment grade
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions. Reliability is proven if price has not decreased or haircut increased by 20% over a 30-day stress period.
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (1); Page 345 – 346

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e i Corporate Debt Securities; Page 77 – 79

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral - Publicly Traded Shares Of Common Stock As L2B

This rule reclassifies a publicly traded common equity share, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, as a level 2B high quality liquid asset if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is included in Russell 100 Index or an index that the bank’s supervisor in a foreign jurisdiction recognizes for inclusion in Level 2B assets if the share is held in that jurisdiction
  • Issued in US Dollars or in the currency of the jurisdiction in which the bank operates and holds the common equity share to cover net cash outflows in that jurisdiction
  • Issued by an entity whose publicly traded common equity shares have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions. Reliability is proven if price has not decreased or haircut increased by 40% over a 30-day stress period.
  • Not issued by a financial sector entity and not issued by a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity
  • If held by a depository institution, is not acquired in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted (DPC)
  • If held by a consolidated subsidiary of the bank, it can include the publicly traded common equity share in its level 2B liquid assets only if the share is held to cover net cash outflows of its consolidated subsidiary in which the publicly traded common equity share is held

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (2); Page 346 – 347

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e ii Publicly Traded Shares of Common Stock; Page 79 – 85

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral - Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities for L2A

This rule reclassifies a security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, issued by, or unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (2); Page 344 – 345

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d ii Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 75 – 76

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - FSI - Substitutable Collateral U.S. GSE Securities Level 2A for Issuer This rule reclassifies a security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, issued by a U.S. government-sponsored enterprise, that is investment grade under 12 CFR part 1 as of the calculation date, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset provided the claim is senior to preferred stock.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (1); Page 344

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d i U.S. GSE Securities; Page 70 – 75

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - FSI -Substitutable Collateral U.S. GSE Securities Level 2A for Guarantor This rule reclassifies a security which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, which is guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a U.S. government-sponsored enterprise, that is investment grade under 12 CFR part 1 as of the calculation date, as a level 2A high quality liquid asset provided the claim is senior to preferred stock.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (b) Level 2A liquid assets (1); Page 344

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 d i U.S. GSE Securities; Page 70 – 75

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral - Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities For Guarantor As Level 1 This rule reclassifies a security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a sovereign entity that is not assigned a zero percent risk weight, where the security is issued in the currency of the sovereign entity, is liquid and readily-marketable, and the bank holds the security in order to meet its net cash outflows in the jurisdiction of the sovereign entity, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (6); Page 344

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c v Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities; Page 67

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral - Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities for Issuer As Level 1 This rule reclassifies a security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, issued by a sovereign entity that is not assigned a zero percent risk weight, where the sovereign entity issues the security in its own currency, the security is liquid and readily-marketable, and the bank holds the security in order to meet its net cash outflows in the jurisdiction of the sovereign entity, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (6); Page 344

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c v Certain Foreign Sovereign Debt Securities; Page 67

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral - United States Government Securities For Issuer As Level 1 Assets

This rule reclassifies the following securities which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, as level 1 high quality liquid assets:

A security issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury

A security issued by any other U.S. government agency whose obligations are fully and explicitly guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, provided that they are liquid and readily-marketable.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (3) and (4); Page 343

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iii United States Government Securities; Page 64 – 65

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral - United States Government Securities For Guarantor As Level 1 Assets This rule reclassifies a security received as a mitigant that is unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (3) and (4); Page 343

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iii United States Government Securities; Page 64 – 65

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Collateral- Crtn Svrgn and Multilateral Org Securities for Issuer as Level1 Asset

This rule reclassifies a security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, issued by a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (5); Page 343 – 344

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iv Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 65 – 67

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

LRM - Substitutable Colla - Crtn Svrgn and Multilateral Org Securities for Guarantor as Level1 Asset

This rule reclassifies a security, which can be substituted by a bank's counterparty for an existing mitigant, unconditionally guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by a sovereign entity, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, European Community, or a multilateral development bank, as a level 1 high quality liquid asset, if it meets the criteria specified below:

  • It is assigned a zero percent risk weight
  • It is liquid and readily-marketable
  • It is issued or guaranteed by an entity whose obligations have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity in repurchase or sales markets during stressed market conditions; and
  • It is not an obligation of a financial sector entity and not an obligation of a consolidated subsidiary of a financial sector entity

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (a) Level 1 liquid assets (5); Page 343 – 344

Subpart D § __.32 Outflow amounts (f) Collateral outflow amount (6); Page 364 – 366

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c iv Certain Sovereign and Multilateral Organization Securities; Page 65 – 67

Section II C 3 f v Collateral Substitution; Page 188 – 189

13 LRM - US LCR Post - HQLA Classification LRM - Instrument - Transferability Restriction Flag Update For Equity This computation rule updates the transferability restriction flag as Yes for level 2B common equities held by a legal entity which is a consolidated subsidiary of a depository institution. Common equities held by such subsidiary entities are restricted during consolidation i.e. allowed to be consolidated only to the extent required to cover their own net cash outflows. This flag is updated for bank's own assets and for assets placed as collateral by the bank.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (2) (vi); Page 347

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e ii Publicly Traded Shares of Common Stock; Page 81 – 82

LRM - Instruments - Meets HQLA Operational Requirements Flag Update This computation rule identifies those assets classified as HQLA that meet all the operational requirements which are set forth by the regulator to be considered for inclusion in the stock of HQLA. It is derived based on the Operational Capability to Monetize HQLA and Controlled by Treasury Flags. This flag is updated for bank's own assets and for assets placed as collateral by the bank as Yes, if they meet all the operational requirements and No, if they do not.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (a) Operational requirements for Eligible HQLA; Page 350 – 352

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 Requirements for Inclusion as Eligible HQLA; Page 102 – 110

LRM - Instruments - Meets Generally Applicable HQLA Criteria Flag This computation rule identifies those unencumbered or partially encumbered assets that fulfill all the generally applicable HQLA criteria specified by the regulator to be considered for inclusion in the stock of HQLA. This flag is updated for bank's own assets which are unencumbered and partially encumbered as Yes, if they meet all the generally applicable HQLA criteria and No, if they do not.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA; Page 352 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

LRM - Instruments - Eligible High Quality Liquid Assets Flag Update This computation rule identifies those unencumbered or partially encumbered assets classified as HQLA that fulfill both the HQLA operational requirements and generally applicable criteria and marks them as eligible for inclusion in the stock of HQLA. This flag is updated for bank's own assets which are unencumbered and partially encumbered.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets; Page 350 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 Requirements for Inclusion as Eligible HQLA; Page 102 – 110

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

LRM - Instruments - Meets Generally Applicable HQLA Criteria on Unwind Flag Update This computation rule identifies those encumbered assets that fulfill all the generally applicable HQLA criteria specified by the regulator to be considered for inclusion in the stock of HQLA on unwind of the transaction which resulted in the assets' encumbrance. This flag is updated for bank's own assets placed as collateral as Yes, if they meet all the generally applicable HQLA criteria except for encumbrance status and No, if they do not.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts; Page 349

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA; Page 352 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

LRM - Instruments - Eligible High Quality Liquid Assets on Unwind Flag Update This computation rule identifies those encumbered assets classified as HQLA that fulfill both the HQLA operational requirements and generally applicable criteria, with the exception of being unencumbered. It marks such assets as eligible for inclusion in the stock of HQLA on unwind of the transaction which resulted in the assets' encumbrance. This flag is updated for bank's own assets which are unencumbered and partially encumbered.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts; Page 349

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets; Page 350 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 Requirements for Inclusion as Eligible HQLA; Page 102 – 110

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

LRM - Mitigants - Transferability Restriction Flag Update For Equity This computation rule updates the transferability restriction flag as Yes for level 2B common equities received as mitigants and held by a legal entity which is a consolidated subsidiary of a depository institution. Common equities held by such subsidiary entities are restricted during consolidation i.e. allowed to be consolidated only to the extent required to cover their own net cash outflows. This flag is updated for assets received as mitigants.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.20 High-Quality Liquid Asset Criteria (c) Level 2B liquid assets (2) (vi); Page 347

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 e ii Publicly Traded Shares of Common Stock; Page 81 – 82

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - Meets HQLA Operational Requirements Flag Update This computation rule identifies those mitigants classified as HQLA that meet all the operational requirements which are set forth by the regulator to be considered for inclusion in the stock of HQLA. It is derived based on the Operational Capability to Monetize HQLA and Controlled by Treasury Flags. This flag is updated for mitigants as Yes, if they meet all the operational requirements and No, if they do not.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (a) Operational requirements for Eligible HQLA; Page 350 – 352

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 Requirements for Inclusion as Eligible HQLA; Page 102 – 110

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Mitigants - Meets Generally Applicable HQLA Criteria Flag Update This computation rule identifies those mitigants, where the bank has re-hypothecation rights but are not re-hypothecated, that fulfill all the generally applicable HQLA criteria specified by the regulator to be considered for inclusion in the stock of HQLA. This flag is updated for re-hypothecable mitigants that have not been re-hypothecated or have been partially re-hypothecated as Yes, if they meet all the generally applicable HQLA criteria and No, if they do not.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA; Page 352 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

LRM - Mitigants - High Quality Liquid Assets Eligibility Flag Update This computation rule identifies those mitigants classified as HQLA, where the bank has re-hypothecation rights but are not re-hypothecated, that fulfill both the HQLA operational requirements and generally applicable criteria and marks them as eligible for inclusion in the stock of HQLA. This flag is updated for mitigants which are not re-hypothecated or are partially re-hypothecated

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets; Page 350 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 Requirements for Inclusion as Eligible HQLA; Page 102 – 110

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

LRM - Counterparty Assets - Meets Generally Applicable HQLA Criteria on Unwind Flag Update This computation rule identifies those re-hypothecated mitigants that fulfill all the generally applicable HQLA criteria specified by the regulator to be considered for inclusion in the stock of HQLA on unwind of the transaction which resulted in the mitigant assets' encumbrance. This flag is updated for assets received as mitigants, that are placed by the bank as collateral as Yes, if they meet all the generally applicable HQLA criteria except for encumbrance status and No, if they do not.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts; Page 349

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA; Page 352 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

LRM - Mitigants - Eligible High Quality Liquid Assets on Unwind Flag Update This computation rule identifies those re-hypothecated mitigants classified as HQLA that fulfill both the HQLA operational requirements and generally applicable criteria, with the exception of being unencumbered. It marks such mitigants as eligible for inclusion in the stock of HQLA on unwind of the transaction which resulted in the mitigant assets' encumbrance. This flag is updated for mitigant received under re-hypothecation rights which have been either fully or partially re-hypothecated.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts; Page 349

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets; Page 350 – 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 Requirements for Inclusion as Eligible HQLA; Page 102 – 110

Section II B 4 Generally Applicable Criteria for Eligible HQLA; Page 110 – 118

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

14 LRM - Underlying Account Attribute Population LRM - Downgrade Impact Amount for Other Liabilities This rule calculates the Downgrade Impact Amount for product other then Derivatives. The computation logic is EOP minus the value of underlying collateral received.
15 LRM - US LCR Stock Calculation LRM - Instruments - Hedge Termination Cost Adjusted Value This computation rule identifies all high quality liquid assets that have a hedge associated with them and computes the value of the unencumbered portion of such assets to be included in the stock as less of the hedge termination cost.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (a) (3)

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 3 a iii. Termination of Transaction Hedging HQLA; Page 108

LRM - Mitigants - Value to be Included in the Stock of HQLA This rule computes the value of mitigants, classified as high quality liquid assets, to be included in the stock by multiplying it with the portion of the mitigant which is not re-hypothecated.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.22 Requirements for Eligible High-Quality Liquid Assets (b) Generally applicable criteria for eligible HQLA (5); Page 354

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 4 f Exclusion of Certain Rehypothecated Assets; Page 118

LRM - Reserves and Term Deposits - Value to be Included in the Stock of HQLA This rule computes the value of central bank reserves to be included in the stock of level 1 assets less of pass-through reserves, if any. Additionally, it computes the value of term deposits classified as level 1 assets as less of withdrawal penalty, if any.

Common Rule:

Subpart A § __.3 Definitions; Page 336 – 337

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c i Reserve Bank Balances; Page 60 – 63

LRM - Total Cash Received from Repo Transaction This rule computes the total value of cash received from repurchase transactions where the underlying asset is a high quality liquid asset.

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 4 b Segregated Client Pool Securities; Page 113 – 114

LRM - Vault Cash Updation This rule computes the total value of vault cash that is to be deducted from the stock of level 1 liquid assets.

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 2 c i Reserve Bank Balances; Page 63

16 LRM - US LCR Determining Revised Maturity LRM - Conservative Approach for Outflows This Rule determines the maturity for all the Outflows as per the US final Rules "Determining maturity "section.

Common Rule:

Subpart D § __.31 Determining Maturity; Page 356-358

Supplementary Information:

Section II C 2 Determining Maturity; page 147-154

LRM - Conservative Approach for Inflows This Rule determines the maturity for all the Inflows as per the US final Rules "Determining maturity "section.

Common Rule:

Subpart D § __.31 Determining Maturity; Page 356-358

Supplementary Information:

Section II C 2 Determining Maturity; page 147-154

LRM - Revised Maturity - Exception For Conservative Approach - Debt Securities This Rule determines the maturity for all the Exceptions for conservative approach for debt securities as per the US final Rules "Determining maturity "section.

Common Rule:

Subpart D § __.31 Determining Maturity; Page 356-358

Supplementary Information:

Section II C 2 Determining Maturity; page 147-154

LRM - Exception For Conservative Approach This Rule determines the maturity for all the Exceptions for conservative approach for Borrowings as per the US final Rules "Determining maturity "section.

Common Rule:

Subpart D § __.31 Determining Maturity; Page 356-358

Supplementary Information:

Section II C 2 Determining Maturity; page 147-154

LRM - Updating Revised Maturity Date Surrogate Key With Maturity Date Surrogate Key This Rule updates the Revised Maturity Date to Original Maturity Date.
LRM - Revised Maturity Time Bucket The Rule updates the Time Bucket Surrogate Key for Revised Maturity.
LRM - Updating Columns Using Revised Maturity Date This Rule updates Effective Residual Maturity Band Surrogate Key, Residual Maturity Band Surrogate Key and Residual Maturity Time Bucket Using Revised Maturity Date.

LRM - US LCR Adjustment Reclassification

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2B-Secured Lending Transaction This rule identifies all the secured lending transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received is a level 2B high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the collateral received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (3); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2B-Secured Funding Transaction This rule identifies all the secured funding transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the collateral posted is a level 2B high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the collateral posted as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (3); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 d Unwind Treatment of Collateralized Deposits; Page 126 – 130

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2B-Collateralized Derivatives Transaction-Deduction This rule identifies all the collateralized derivatives transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received is a level 2B high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the collateral received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (3); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2B-Collateralized Derivatives Transaction-Addition This rule identifies all the collateralized derivatives transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the collateral posted is a level 2B high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the collateral posted as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (3); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2B-Asset Exchange Deduction This rule identifies all the high quality liquid asset exchange transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the asset received by the bank is a level 2B high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the asset received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (3); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2B-Asset Exchange Addition This rule identifies all the high quality liquid asset exchange transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the asset provided by the bank is a level 2B high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the asset provided by the bank as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (3); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2A-Secured Lending Transaction This rule identifies all the secured lending transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received is a level 2A high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the collateral received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (2); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2A-Secured Funding Transaction This rule identifies all the secured funding transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the collateral posted is a level 2A high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the collateral posted as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (2); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 d Unwind Treatment of Collateralized Deposits; Page 126 – 130

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2A-Collateralized Derivatives Transaction-Deduction This rule identifies all the collateralized derivatives transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received is a level 2A high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the collateral received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (2); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2A-Collateralized Derivatives Transaction-Addition This rule identifies all the collateralized derivatives transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the collateral posted is a level 2A high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the collateral posted as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (2); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2A-Asset Exchange Deduction This rule identifies all the high quality liquid asset exchange transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the asset received by the bank is a level 2A high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the asset received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (2); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 2A-Asset Exchange Addition This rule identifies all the high quality liquid asset exchange transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the asset provided by the bank is a level 2A high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the collateral posted as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (2); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Secured Lending Transaction-Deduction This rule identifies all the secured lending transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received is a level 1 high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the collateral received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Secured Lending Transaction-Addition This rule identifies all the secured lending transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received is a high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the outstanding amount extended by the bank to the counterparty as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Secured Funding Transaction-Deduction This rule identifies all the secured funding transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the collateral posted is a high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the outstanding amount extended by the counterparty to the bank as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 d Unwind Treatment of Collateralized Deposits; Page 126 – 130

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Secured Funding Transaction-Addition This rule identifies all the secured funding transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the collateral posted is a level 1 high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the collateral posted as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 d Unwind Treatment of Collateralized Deposits; Page 126 – 130

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Collateralized Derivatives Transaction-Deduction This rule identifies all the collateralized derivatives transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received or collateral posted is a level 1 high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the level 1 collateral received as part of such a transaction and deduction of the amount received as part of a sell transaction where the mitigant received or collateral posted is a level 1 asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Collateralized Derivatives Transaction-Addition This rule identifies all the collateralized derivatives transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the mitigant received or collateral posted is a level 1 high quality liquid asset. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the level 1 collateral posted as part of such a transaction and addition of the amount paid as part of a buy transaction where mitigant received or collateral posted is a level 1 asset.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Asset Exchange Deduction This rule identifies all the high quality liquid asset exchange transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the asset received by the bank is a level 1 high quality liquid asset or cash. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as deduction of the asset or cash received as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132

LRM - Adjustments to Level 1-Asset Exchange Addition This rule identifies all the high quality liquid asset exchange transactions maturing within the LCR horizon, which are to be unwound where the asset provided by the bank is a level 1 high quality liquid asset or cash. It updates the type of adjustment to the stock of HQLA due to such an unwind as addition of the asset or cash posted as collateral as part of such a transaction.

Common Rule:

Subpart C § __.21 High-Quality Liquid Asset Amount (f) Calculation of adjusted liquid asset amounts (1); Page 349

Supplementary Information:

Section II B 5 c Calculation of Adjusted Excess HQLA Amount; Page 123 – 126

Section II B 5 e Unwind Treatment of Transactions Involving Eligible HQLA; Page 130 – 132


LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows LRM - FR2052A 5G - Onshore Indicator Update This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows -Unsecured Info 'Onshore Placements and Offshore Placements' and Outflows - Wholesale Info 'Onshore Borrowing and Offshore Borrowing' section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unencumbered Assets This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unencumbered Assets section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Capacity This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Capacity section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unrestricted Reserve Balances This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unrestricted Reserve Balances section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unrestricted Reserve Balances For Cash This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unrestricted Reserve Balances For Cash section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Restricted Reserve Balances This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Restricted Reserve Balances section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Restricted Reserve Balances For Cash This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unrestricted Reserve Balances For Cash section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unsettled Asset Purchases This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Restricted Reserve Balances For Cash section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unsecured - Other Loans This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unsecured - Other Loans section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unsecured This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unsecured section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Unsecured - Excess Nostro Balances This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Unsecured - Excess Nostro Balances section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Secured This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Secured section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Other - Derivatives Receivables This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Other - Derivatives Receivables section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Other - TBA Sales This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Other - TBA Sales section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Other - Undrawn Committed Facilities This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Other - Undrawn Committed Facilities section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Other - Lock-up Balance This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Other - Lock-up Balance section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Inflows - Other - Principal Payments Receivable This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Inflows- Other - Principal Payments Receivable section.
19 LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Others - MTM Impact On Derivative Positions This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Others - MTM Impact On Derivative Positions section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Wholesale - Other Unsecured Financing This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Wholesale - Other Unsecured Financing section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Wholesale Outflows This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Wholesale Outflows section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Wholesale - Other Asset-Backed Financing This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Wholesale - Other Asset-Backed Financing section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G Outflows - Unsecured - Commercial Paper - On Off Shore Borrowings This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Unsecured - Commercial Paper - On Off Shore Borrowings section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Wholesale - Unsecured - Long Term Debt - Unsecured - Structured Notes This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Wholesale - Unsecured - Long Term Debt - Unsecured - Structured Notes section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Unsecured - Wholesale CD And Draws On Committed Lines This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Unsecured - Wholesale CD And Draws On Committed Lines section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Secured - Other Secured Financing Transactions This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Secured - Other Secured Financing Transactions section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Secured Except Collateral Swaps This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Secured Except Collateral Swaps section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Secured - Collateral Swaps This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Secured - Collateral Swaps section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Deposits - Transactional And Non-Transactional Accounts This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Deposits - Transactional And Non-Transactional Accounts section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Deposits - Operational And Non-Operational And Escrow This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Deposits - Operational And Non-Operational And Escrow section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Deposits - Reciprocal - Non-Reciprocal This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Deposits - Reciprocal - Non-Reciprocal section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Deposits - Affiliated - Non-Affiliated And Other Sweep This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Deposits - Affiliated - Non-Affiliated And Other Sweep section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Deposits - Other Third-Party Deposits This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Deposits - Other Third-Party Deposits section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Outflows - Others This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Others section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G Outflows - Others - Facilities And Retail Mortgage Commitments This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Outflows - Others - Facilities And Retail Mortgage Commitments section.
20 LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Initial Margin Posted - House This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Initial Margin Posted - House section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Initial Margin Posted - Customer This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Initial Margin Posted - Customer section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Variation Margin Posted - House This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Variation Margin Posted - House section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Variation Margin Posted - Customer This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Variation Margin Posted - Customer section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Margin Received This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Initial Margin Received section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Variation Margin Received This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Variation Margin Received section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Collateral Disputes Deliverables This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Collateral Disputes Deliverables section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Collateral Disputes Receivables This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Collateral Disputes Receivables section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Sleeper Collateral Receivables This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Sleeper Collateral Receivables section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Sleeper Collateral Deliverables This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Sleeper Collateral Deliverables section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Derivative Collateral Substitution Risk This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Derivative Collateral Substitution Risk section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Other Collateral Substitution Risk This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Other Collateral Substitution Risk section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Derivative Collateral Substitution Capacity This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Derivative Collateral Substitution Capacity section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Supplemental Info Other Collateral Substitution Capacity This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Supplemental Info Other Collateral Substitution Capacity section.
LRM - FR2052A 5G - Structured and Non Structured Debt Issued This Rule classifies the line items to be reported for FR2052A 5G Structured and Non Structured Debt Issued section.