11.2 Buffer and Buffer Requirements Across Stress Horizons

Table 11-3 Buffer and Buffer Requirements

Field Names Description
Report Name Buffer and Buffer Requirement across Stress Horizons
Report Level Filters Not Applicable
Report Description This report displays the available buffer computed for the Buffer Horizon, Net Cash Outflows, Buffer Ratio and Buffer Tolerance across multiple user specified stress horizons.
Report Type

Combination of Column and Line Graph

The user specified stress horizons are displayed on the x-axis.

The following are displayed as columns on the primary y-axis:

Available Buffer

Net Cash Flow Needs

The following are displayed as a line graphs on the secondary y-axis.

Buffer Ratio

Buffer Ratio Tolerance


Legal Entity

Stress Horizons

Base Measures

Available Buffer

Net Cash Flow Needs

Buffer Ratio Tolerance

Buffer Ratio

Computed Measures Not Applicable
Drill-through On Not Applicable
Drill-through’s Not Applicable