18.4 Forward Liquidity Ratio Across Dates

Table 18-5 Forward Liquidity Ratio

Report Name Forward Liquidity Ratio Across Dates
Report Level Filters Period Start - End: Select the forward date from the calendar.
Report Description This report displays the liquidity coverage ratio and its components across forward dates. The report level filters are period start date and period end date.
Report Type

Graphical Report:

Column chart description. The stock of high Quality liquid Assets and Net Cash out flows is displayed as columns in the chart. Liquidity coverage ratio is displayed in a secondary axis.

Tabular Report:

The following are displayed a row items

Liquidity coverage Ratio

Stock of High Quality Liquid Assets

Stock of Level 1 Asset

Stock of Level 2A Asset

Stock of Level 2B Asset

Adjustment due to cap on Level 2 Assets

Adjustment due to cap on Level 2B Assets

Net Cash out flows

Cash outflows

Cash inflows

Add on

The highest and lowest amount for each row items is highlighted.



Legal Entity

Base Measures

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Stock of HQLA

Net Cash Out Flow

Computed Measures

Stock of Level 1 Asset

Stock of Level 2A Asset

Stock of Level 2B Asset

Adjustment due to cap on Level 2 Assets

Adjustment due to cap on Level 2B Assets

Cash outflows

Cash inflows

Drill-through on No drill down available.
Drill-through’s No drill down available.