9.1 High Quality Liquid Assets

Table 9-2 High Quality Liquid Assets

Field Names Description
Report Name High Quality Liquid Assets
Report Level Filters Encumbrance Status
Report Description This report displays the break-up of encumbered and unencumbered high quality liquid assets across each asset level in the form of a pie chart.
Report Type

Pie Chart

The pie chart displays the break-up of HQLA across the following asset levels:

Level 1 Assets

Level 2A Assets

Level 2B RMBS Assets

Level 2B Non-RMBS Assets


Legal Entity

Asset Level


Base Measures Asset Value
Computed Measures Not applicable

Drill-through On

Each segment of the pie chart

Level 1:

Page Level Display Parameters: The following parameters are displayed:

As of Date



Run Execution ID

Run Type

Consolidation Type

Legal Entity

Currency Type

Report Level Filters: The following filters are displayed for selection:

Product Type


Natural Currency


Maturity Date

An icon is available to filter the tabular report row items based on the filter selection. A reset icon is available to reset all filter selection and to restore the original number of rows. This filter selection is not mandatory.

Report Name: <Selected Encumbrance Status> <Selected Asset Level> Details

The name changes based on the report-level parameter selection. For example, if encumbrance status is selected as Unencumbered and the Level 2A Assets segment is selected in the pie chart, the report name will be displayed as Unencumbered Level 2A Asset Details

Report Type: Tabular Report

The following details are displayed for each asset whose attributes correspond to the selected encumbrance status and asset level:


Product Type

Natural Currency


Maturity Date

Units Available

Maturity Value

Haircut (%)

Market Value

Expected Value

Level 2 Drill-through On: Not applicable


If the run purpose in the Run Management window is selected as U.S. Fed Liquidity Ratio Calculation then, High Quality Liquid Assets report is not applicable.