12.6 Intraday Credit Lines Extended to Correspondent Banking Customers in <Currency Type>

Table 12-7 Intraday Credit Lines Extended to Correspondent Banking Customers

Field Names Description
Report Name Intraday Credit Lines Extended to Correspondent Banking Customers in <Currency Type>
Report Level Filters Top ‘N’ Customers: Enter this field in the form a numeric value
Report Description This report displays the value of intra-day credit lines extended by a legal entity to its correspondent banking customers and their peak usage by customer type. It also displays these metrics for top ‘N’ customers. This report is displayed only if the legal entity provides correspondent banking services to its customers.
Report Type

The following values must be displayed for all correspondent banking customers. For example, if the bank has 10 customers, for all these customers, the total value of the following must be displayed:

Total Value of Intraday Credit Lines extended, Total Committed lines extended, Total secured lines extended.

Total Usage of Intraday Credit lines extended, Total usage of Secured lines, Total Usage of Committed lines, Total Peak usage of the lines

Tabular Report with Embedded Graph

Top ‘N’ customers by the selected customer type are displayed as rows. Example, Out of the 10, the bank can chose 5 as N. These 5 customers would be the top 5 customers with respect to maximum Amount of Intraday Credit lines extended.

The following are displayed in columns

Total Intra-day Credit Line Usage

Secured Intra-day Credit Line Usage

Committed Intra-day Credit Line Usage

The graph embedded in each cell displays the value of intra-day credit line extended as a column colored Grey. The maximum daily usage is displayed as a column within the grey colored column and its color varies based on the utilization of the line of credit as follows:

Green color: 0% to 75% Usage

Amber color: >75% to 90% Usage

Red color: >90% Usage

Peak Usage is a total number and must be monitored at every time instant of the day. Peak usage should also be displayed against the Usage column.


Legal Entity

Customer Type

Top ‘N’ Customer

Product Type

Secured Status

Commitment Status

Base Measures Amount
Computed Measures Utilization %
Drill-through On Not applicable
Drill-through’s Not applicable