5.1 Liquidity Gap Summary in Base Currency

Table 5-2 Liquidity Gap Summary in Base Currency

Field Names Description
Report Name Liquidity Gap Summary in Base Currency
Report Level Filters Not applicable
Report Description This report displays the liquidity gap results in each selected natural currency for the time bucket selected. Both the graphical and tabular report display the gap in terms of both principal and interest. The time buckets are displayed based on the bucket level selected as part of the page level filter.

Report Type

Graphical Report:

Combination of Line and Stacked Column Chart

Time Buckets of the selected bucket level are displayed on the x-axis. Principal and interest gaps are displayed on the y-axis as stacked column values. Cumulative gap is displayed on the y-axis as a line.

Tabular Report:

The following are displayed as row items:

Inflows – Principal, Interest and Total

Outflows – Principal, Interest and Total

Liquidity Gap – Principal, Interest and Total

Gap as % of Total Outflows

Gap Limit

Deviation from Gap Limit

Cumulative Gap – Principal, Interest and Total

The time buckets corresponding to the bucket level selected as part of the page level filter are displayed as column items.


Legal Entity


Principal/Interest Cash Flows

Line of Business

Product Type


Customer Type



Base Measures

Principal Cash Flows

Interest Cash Flows

Gap Limit

Computed Measures

Total Inflows

Total Outflows

Liquidity Gap – Principal, Interest and Total

Gap as % of Total Outflows

Deviation from Gap Limit

Cumulative Gap – Principal, Interest and Total

Drill-through On

Graphical Report:

Clicking each column in the column chart.

Tabular Report:

Row level drill-through on the principal, interest and total components of Inflows, Outflows and Liquidity Gap. Column drill-through on each time bucket column is no longer required.


The drill-through sequence remains unchanged for both the tabular and graphical reports as follows:

Level 1: Line of Business

Level 2: Product Type

Level 3: Product

Level 4: Customer Type

Level 5: Customer

Level 6: Account

Graphical Report:

On clicking each column the drill-through report will display the break-up of all 3 measures, such as principal, interest and cumulative gap across the dimension on the drill- through. All drill- through reports are a combination of line and stacked column charts as per the original report.

Tabular Report:

Drill-through is enabled on the following row items as per the existing drill- through sequence:

Inflows – Principal, Interest and Total

Outflows – Principal, Interest and Total

Liquidity Gap – Principal, Interest and Total