6.6 Liquidity Gap across Time in <Currency Type>

Table 6-7 Liquidity Gap across Time in <Currency Type>

Field Names Description
Report Name Liquidity Gap Across Time in <Currency Type>
Report Level Filters

Period Start

Period End

Time Bucket – Displayed based on bucket level selected

Report Description

The name of this report changes based on the Currency Type selected as part of the page level filters. For instance if the currency type is selected as Reporting Currency, the name of this report is displayed as Liquidity Gap Across Time in Reporting Currency.

This report displays the period start and end date for which the trend is displayed. Additionally, you are allowed to select multiple time buckets for the purpose of viewing the trend. It only displays the historical trends.

Report Type

Line Graph

Time period is displayed on the x-axis and the liquidity gap is displayed on the y-axis for each selected time bucket.

Dimensions Time Period
Base Measures Cash Flows
Computed Measures Liquidity Gap
Drill-through On Not Applicable
Drill-through’s Not Applicable