A List of LRM Reports

Following is the list of Liquidity Risk Reports.

Table A-1 List of Liquidity Risk Reports

Sl. No. Report No. Report Name Report Category Subject Area Dashboard
1 1 Liquidity Gap Analysis - Base Currency Main Report Liquidity Gap Liquidity Risk
2 1.1 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Line of Business - Base Currency Drill-through (from Graph)
3 1.1.1 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Product Type - Base Currency
4 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Product - Base Currency
5 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Customer Type - Base Currency
6 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Customer - Base Currency
7 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Account - Base Currency
8 1.2 Liquidity Gap Report by Line of Business - Base Currency Drill-through (from Table)
9 1.2.1 Liquidity Gap Report by Product Type - Base Currency
10 Liquidity Gap Report by Product - Base Currency
11 Liquidity Gap Report by Customer Type - Base Currency
12 Liquidity Gap Report by Customer - Base Currency
13 Liquidity Gap Report by Account - Base Currency
14 2 Liquidity Gap Analysis - <Currency Type> Main Report
15 2.1 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Line of Business - <Currency Type> Drill-through (from Graph)
16 2.1.1 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Product Type - <Currency Type>
17 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Product - <Currency Type>
18 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Customer Type - <Currency Type>
19 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Customer - <Currency Type>
20 Liquidity Gap Analysis by Account - <Currency Type>
21 2.2 Liquidity Gap Report by Line of Business - <Currency Type> Drill-through (from Table)
22 2.2.1 Liquidity Gap Report by Product Type - <Currency Type>
23 Liquidity Gap Report by Product - <Currency Type>
24 Liquidity Gap Report by Customer Type - <Currency Type>
25 Liquidity Gap Report by Customer - <Currency Type>
26 Liquidity Gap Report by Account - <Currency Type>
27 3 Dynamic Balance Sheet - Base Currency Main Report
28 3.1 Dynamic Balance Sheet Asset Details - Base Currency Drill-through (from Assets)
29 3.2 Dynamic Balance Sheet Liability Details - Base Currency Drill-through (from Liabilities)
30 4 Dynamic Balance Sheet - <Currency Type> Main Report
31 4.1 Dynamic Balance Sheet Asset Details - <Currency Type> Drill-through (from Assets)
32 4.2 Dynamic Balance Sheet Liability Details - <Currency Type> Drill-through (from Liabilities)
33 5 Detailed Bucket-wise Gap Analysis Main Report Detailed Gap Analysis
34 5.1 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap by Product Type Drill-through (from Graph)
35 5.1.1 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap by Product
36 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap by Customer Type
37 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap by Customer
38 5.2 Bucket-wise Gap Analysis by Product Type Drill-through (from Table)
39 5.2.1 Bucket-wise Gap Analysis by Product
40 Bucket-wise Gap Analysis by Customer Type
41 Bucket-wise Gap Analysis by Customer
42 6 Liquidity Gap across Scenarios Main Report
43 6.1 Liquidity Gap by Line of Business Drill-through
44 6.1.1 Liquidity Gap by Product Type
45 Liquidity Gap by Product
46 Liquidity Gap by Customer Type
47 Liquidity Gap by Customer
48 7 Gap Analysis - Top N Large Customers Main Report
49 7.1 Top N Large Customer Bucket-wise Gap by Product Type Drill-through (from Graph)
50 7.1.1 Top N Large Customer Bucket-wise Gap by Product
51 7.2 Top N Large Customer Gap Analysis by Product Type Drill-through (from Table)
52 7.2.1 Top N Large Customer Gap Analysis by Product
53 8 Liquidity Gap Across Time Main Report
54 9 Liquidity Gap Analysis Post Counterbalancing Main Report Counterbalancing
55 9.1 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap Post Counterbalancing by Line of Business Drill-through (from Graph)
56 9.1.1 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap Post Counterbalancing by Product Type
57 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap Post Counterbalancing by Product
58 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap Post Counterbalancing by Customer Type
59 Bucket-wise Liquidity Gap Post Counterbalancing by Customer
60 9.2 Counterbalancing Inflows by Position Drill-through (from Counterbalancing Inflows section of the Table)
61 9.3 Counterbalancing Outflows by Position Drill-through (from Counterbalancing Outflows section of the Table)
62 10 Liquidity Ratios Main Report Liquidity Ratios
63 10.1 High Quality Liquid Assets by Product Type Drill-through
64 10.1.1 High Quality Liquid Assets by Product Drill-through
65 10.2 Cash Flows by Product Type Drill-through
66 10.2.1 Cash Flows by Product Drill-through
67 11 Liquidity Coverage Ratio Components Main Report
68 11.1 Break-up of Liquidity Coverage Ratio Components Drill-through
69 12 Net Stable Funding Ratio Components Main Report
70 13 Liquidity Coverage Ratio by Significant Currencies Main Report
71 14 Liquidity Ratio Historical Variance Analysis Main Report
72 15 High Quality Liquid Assets Main Report LCR Details
73 15.1 <Selected Encumbrance Status> <Selected Asset Level> Details Drill-through
74 16 Break-up of Stock of High Quality Liquid Assets Main Report
75 16.1 Components of Stock of Level 1 Assets Drill-through (from Table)
76 16.2 Adjustments to Stock of Level 1 Assets Drill-through (from Table)
77 16.3 Components of Stock of Level 2A Assets Drill-through (from Table)
78 16.4 Adjustments to Stock of Level 2A Assets Drill-through (from Table)
79 16.5 Components of Stock of Level 2B RMBS Assets Drill-through (from Table)
80 16.6 Adjustments to Stock of Level 2B RMBS Assets Drill-through (from Table)
81 16.7 Components of Stock of Level 2B Non-RMBS Assets Drill-through (from Table)
82 16.8 Adjustments to Stock of Level 2B Non-RMBS Assets Drill-through (from Table)
83 17 Break-up of Stock of HQLA Denominated in Significant Currencies Main Report
84 18 Liquidity Transferability Restrictions Main Report
85 19 Liquidity Ratio Trend Analysis Main Report
86 20 NSFR Constituents By Product Types Main Report NSFR Details
87 21 NSFR Break-up By Maturity Main Report
88 22 Off-Balance Sheet Items by Absolute Value Main Report
89 23 RSF Assets By Encumbrance Period Main Report
90 24 NSFR Trend Analysis Main Report
91 25 Available and Required Liquidity Buffer Main Report Regulation YY
92 26 Buffer and Buffer requirements across stress horizons Main Report
93 27 Available Buffer Composition Main Report
94 28 Cash Flow Projections Main Report
95 29 Daily Maximum Intra-day Liquidity Usage Main Report Intra-day Liquidity Metrics
96 30 Start of Day Available Intra-day Liquidity Main Report
97 30.1 Start of Day Available Intra-day Liquidity Drill-through
98 31 Total Payments Main Report
99 32 Time-Specific Obligations Main Report
100 33 Value of Payments Made on Behalf of Correspondent Banking Customers Main Report
101 34 Intraday Credit Lines Extended to Correspondent Banking Customers Main Report
102 35 Intra-day Throughput Main Report
103 36 Available Credit Lines Main Report Real Time Monitoring
104 37 Available Intraday Eligible Sources of Liquidity Main Report
105 38.1 Available Intraday Eligible Sources of Liquidity Drill-through
106 39 Time Specific Obligations Main Report
107 40 Payments Snapshot Main Report
108 41 Cumulative Net Position Main Report
109 42 Payments Received Main Report
110 43 Payments Sent Main Report
111 44 Interim Results across Buckets Main Report Interim Results
112 45 Interim Liquidity Gaps across Business Assumptions Main Report
113 46 Concentration of Funding Liabilities across Dimensions Main Report Funding Concentration
114 47 Funding Concentration Trend Analysis Main Report
115 48 List of Assets by Significant Currencies Main Report
116 49 List of Liabilities by Significant Currencies Main Report
117 50 Deposit Balances Main Report Data Analysis
118 51 Loan Balances Main Report
119 52 Marketable Assets Main Report
120 53 Repos Main Report
121 54 Delinquency Report Main Report
122 55.1 Delinquency Report by Product Type Drill-through
123 55.1.1 Delinquency Report by Product Drill-through
124 Delinquency Report by Customer Type Drill-through
125 Delinquency Report by Customer Drill-through
126 56 Delinquent Customer Main Report
127 57 Forward Liquidity Gap Main Report Forward Liquidity Analysis
128 57.1 Forward Liquidity Gap - <Currency Type> Drill-through
129 58 Forward Liquidity Ratio Analysis Main Report
130 59 Balance Sheet Mismatch Main Report
131 60 Forward Balance Position Main Report
132 60.1 Forward Balance Position Drill-through
133 61 Forward Liquidity Gap Variance Analysis Main Report Forward Liquidity Across Dates
134 62 Forward Liquidity Gap Across Dates Main Report
135 63 Forward Liquidity Ratio Variance Analysis Main Report
136 64 Forward Liquidity Ratio Across Dates Main Report
137 65 Forward Balance Analysis Across Dates Main Report
138 65.1 Forward Balance Analysis Across Dates Drill-through


The regulatory reports present in the LRM dashboard, in the form of BI Publisher reports, are a sample set of reports that are included for illustrative purposes only. The intent of these reports is to showcase the computational capabilities of the application and its adherence to calculations at the granularity required by the regulator. These are not intended to address regulatory submissions for any jurisdiction and are not planned to be updated continuously.