12.2 Start of Day Available Intra-day Liquidity in <Currency Type>

Table 12-3 Start of Day Available Intra-day Liquidity

Field Names Description
Report Name Start of Day Available Intra-day Liquidity in <Currency Type>
Report Level Filters Not applicable
Report Description This report displays the start of the day and minimum available intra-day liquidity for the legal entity and each intra-day liquidity source.
Report Type

Column Chart

The intra-day liquidity sources are displayed on the x-axis while the start of the day available intraday liquidity is available as columns on the y-axis. The cumulative available intra-day liquidity is displayed as a line chart on the y-axis.

Additionally, the start of the day available intra-day liquidity at the legal entity- payment system level is displayed.


Legal Entity

Intra-day Liquidity Sources

Base Measures Start of the Day Available Intra-Day Liquidity for each source
Computed Measures Start of the Day Available Intra-Day Liquidity- Total value
Drill-through On

Type of Source

Clicking each column on the bar chart


On clicking each type of source, the drill through enables a user to view the constituent products that form the particular source of liquidity, along with the number of units and their total values.

Level 1: Page level display parameters:

As of date


Legal entity


Report Name: Start of Day Available Intra-day Liquidity

Tabular graph:

The table columns represent the various dimensions, product, number of units and currency.