2.1 Map the Application Users to User Group

UserGroup Map facilitates you to map user(s) to a specific user group which in turn is mapped to a specific Information Domain and role. Every user group mapped to the Information Domain needs to be authorized. Otherwise, it cannot be mapped to users.

UserGroup Map Screen displays details such as User ID, Name, and the corresponding Mapped Groups. You can view and modify the existing mappings within the UserGroup Maintenance Screen.

Starting with the OFSAA 8.1 Release, with the installation of the LRS Application Pack, pre-configured Application user groups are seeded. These user groups are unique to every OFSAA Application Pack and have application roles pre-configured. 

You can access the UserGroup Map by expanding the Identity Management Section within the tree structure of the LHS menu. 

Table 2-1 Seeded User Groups

Name Description
LRS Admin  A user mapped to this group will have access to all the menu items for the entire OILM Application. The exclusive menus which are available only to this group of users are Application Preference and Global Preference under Settings Menu. 
LRS Data Modeler A user mapped to this group will have access only to Data Model Management and Metadata Browser Menus. 
LRS Analyst  A user mapped to this group will have access to Data Management Framework, Dimension Management, and Metadata Browser Menus.