B.17 OJET Hcy Br Tree (oj-tree)

This section contains information on the OJET Tree keystrokes.

Table B-18 Hcy Br Tree Keystrokes

Key Action
Up Arrow/Down Arrow Moves between visible nodes.
Left Arrow On an expanded node, collapses the node. On a collapsed or leaf node, moves focus to the node's parent.
Right Arrow On a collapsed node, expands the node. On an expanded node, moves to the first child of the node. On an end node, does nothing.
Space bar Toggles the selected status of the node.
Home Moves to the top node of the tree.
End Moves to the last visible node of the tree.
Shift + Up Arrow Extends selection up one node (assuming multiple selection has been defined).
Shift + Down Arrow Extends selection down one node (assuming multiple selection has been defined).
Shift + Home Extends selection up to the top-most node.
Shift + Page Down Extends selection to the last node.
Ctrl + Space bar Toggles the selection state of the current node (assuming multiple selection has been defined).
Shift + Space bar Extends selection to the current node (assuming multiple selection has been defined).
Shift + F10 Invoke Context Menu (if defined) on current node.
* (asterisk) Expands all nodes.