B.32 OJET Select Many (oj-select-many)

This section contains information on the Multiselect keystroke.

Table B-31 Multi-select Keystroke

Target Key Action
Option item Enter Select the highlighted choice from the drop-down list.
Drop down Up Arrow or Down Arrow Highlight the option item in the direction of the arrow. If the drop-down is not open, expand the drop-down list.
Select box Left Arrow or Right Arrow Move focus to the previous or next selected item.
A selected item with remove icon Backspace or Delete Remove the selected item having focus.
Drop down Esc Collapse the drop-down list. If the drop-down is already closed, do nothing.
Select box or search box Any characters for the search term Filter down the results with the search term.
Select Tab In Set focus to the select. If hints, titles, or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.