4.4.1 Configure Operating System and File System Settings

To configure the Operating System and File System settings refer the parameters and configuration actions that must be performed to install the OFS MMG Application.

Table 4-1 Configure Operating System and File System Settings

Parameter Configuration Action
File Descriptor Settings

In the sysctl.conf file, to change the number of file descriptors, do the following as the root user:

  1. Edit the following line in the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

fs.file-max = <value>

where <value> is greater than 15000

  • Apply the change by running the following command:

# /sbin/ sysctl -p


The value specified here is the minimum value to be set for the installation process to go forward. For other modules, this value may depend on the available resources and the number of processes executed in parallel.
Total Number of Process Settings

In the sysctl.conf file, set the value to greater than 4096.


The value specified here is the minimum value to be set for the installation process to go forward. For other modules, this value may depend on the available resources and the number of processes executed in parallel.