Audit History

At any time, you can audit the datasets from the Audit History page. The Audit Trail window provides the complete details of datsets. The sequence of actions performed in the dataset lifecycle is listed in the table view and the timeline view (graphical representation).
To audit datasets:
  1. Click Launch Workspace next to corresponding Workspace to Launch Workspace to display the MMG Dashboard window with application configuration and model creation menu.
  2. Navigate to Dataset Summary page.
  3. Click More Options icon next to corresponding Dataset and select View.
    The Overview screen is displayed.
  4. Navigate to Audit History page.

    Figure 8-31 Audit History

    This image displays the Audit History.

    Click for Audit Timeline View for Timeline View and Audit Table View to switch to the regular view. Click to Refreshto refresh the Audit History. You can search the datasets by entering the name in the search box.

    Figure 8-32 Audit History window Timeline View with Horizontal Time Axis

    This image displays the Audit History window Timeline View with Horizontal Time Axis.