Conda Environments

Conda as a package manager helps you to find and install packages. With the capability of environment manager, you can set up a totally separate environment to run different versions of Python. In addition, you can continue to run your usual version of Python in your normal environment. You can configure the channels required for the Conda environment creation in the .condarc file.


The supported version of Conda is 3.9.x.
You must add the miniconda/bin directory in the following path variable as shown below:


For proxy support, you need to manually configure the .condarc file present in the root directory.

Limitation: Conda support currently does not include linking externally created environments to the MMG application.

To configure:

Add the below in the .condarc file.

  • http:
  • https:


  • Conda package search is restricted only to the package name and does not include versions.
  • Python version displayed in the Register Conda UI.

For more details on the user roles, and permissions, see the Functions and Roles required to perform CRUD operations for Conda section.

Click Conda Environments to navigate to Environment Summary page from any other window in MMG application. You can register and manage Conda environments from this page.

Figure 7-7 Environment Summary page

This image displays the Environment Summary page.

The following table provides descriptions for the fields and icons on the Environment Summarypage.

Table 7-2 Fields and icons on the Sandbox Summary page

Field or Icon Description
Search The field to search for a Conda environment.

Enter specific terms in the field for which you want to search, and press Enter on the keyboard to display the results.

NOTE: Conda package search is restricted only to the package name and does not include versions.

Name The name of the Conda environment.
Python Version The python library version of the Conda environment.
Creation Status The status of the Conda environment. The status can be either Inspect or Create.
  • Inspect: The environment is registered and created. You can perform functions such as Edit/View/Inspect/Clone/Export/Remove for the Inspect status environments.
  • Create: The environment is registered but not created. You can perform functions such as Create/Edit/View/Deregister for the Create status environments
Registered By The User Id of the User who registered the Conda environment.
Registration Date The date on which the Conda environment has been registered.
Modified By The ID of the Last Modified by user who has modified the Conda environment.
Modified Date The date on which the Conda environment was modified.
Register Environment Click to register a new Conda environment.
Conda Settings Click to add or modify the Conda components settings.
Conda Properties Click to view the Conda properties.
Action Click the three dots to perform Edit/View/Inspect/Clone/Export/Remove functions on selected Conda environment.

The functions might vary based on the selected Conda environment.