Configure Interpreters

An Interpreter is a program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language without requiring them previously to be compiled into a machine language program. Interpreters are plug-ins that enable users to use a specific language to process data in the backend. Examples of Interpreters are jdbc-interpreter, spark-interpreters, python-interpreters, etc. Interpreters allow you to define customized drivers, URLs, passwords, connections, SQL results to display, etc.

In OFS Compliance Studio, Interpreters are used in Notebooks to execute code in different languages. Each Interpreter has a set of properties that are adjusted and applied across all notebooks. For example, using the python-interpreter makes it possible to change between versions, whereas the jdbc-interpreter offers to customize the URL, schema, or credentials. In MMG, you can either use a default interpreter variant or create a new variant for an interpreter. You can create more than one variant for an interpreter. The benefit of creating multiple variants for an Interpreter is to connect different versions of interpreters (Python ver:3, Python ver:2, etc.). This helps to connect a different set of users and database schema. For example, Compliance Studio schema, BD schema, etc. Compliance Studio provides secure and safe credential management such as Oracle Wallet (jdbc wallet), Password (jdbc password), or KeyStores to link to interpreter variants to access secured data.

MMG has ready-to-use interpreters such as fcc-python, jdbc Interpreter, etc. You can configure them based on the use case. Additional variants of interpreters are created as multiple users might require different settings to access the database securely. The jdbc Interpreters use the credentials to enable secure data access.


fcc-python, Pyspark, spark, and ore are a few other available interpreters.

Interpreters are configured when you want to modify URL, data location, drivers, enable or disable connections, etc.

To configure ready-to-use interpreters:

  1. Click the Interpreter that you want to view from the list displayed on the LHS. The default configured interpreter variant is displayed.
  2. Modify the values in the fields as per requirement. For example, to modify a parameter's limit, connect to a different schema, PGX server, and so on.
  3. Click Update. The modified values are updated in the Interpreter.
    For more information on Interpreters, see the Interpreter Configuration and Connectivity section in the OFS Compliance Studio Administration and Configuration Guide.