Fetch Dataset in Notebook

Dataset whose metadata has been saved from UI can be fetched in two ways:
  1. Dataset that has already been cached from UI can be fetched using first API below by providing the dataset code and tag.(DataFrame will not be recalculated. It will be read from cache.)
  2. A new data frame for a dataset can be calculated/fetched using data from the present time with the metadata saved for that dataset as given in second API.

Table 8-10 Fetching Dataset in Notebook

API Notebook Script Notes/Input
Fetch Dataset Cached from UI

from mmg.datasets import fetch_ds

df = fetch_ds(dscode,tag)

dscode = dataset code - string

tag - string

Fetch New Snapshot of Dataset

from mmg.datasets import fetch_ds

df = fetch_ds(dscode)

dscode = dataset code - string