Import Objects

To access the Object, Import Summary page:
  1. Click Launch Workspace next to corresponding Workspace to Launch Workspace to display the MMG Dashboard window with application configuration and model creation menu.
  2. Click the Object Migration icon and select Import Objects.
    The Object Import Summary page containing the records is displayed with the following details.

    Figure 10-4 Object Import Summary page

    This image displays the Object Import Summary page.

    • Name: The unique migration name assigned to the collection when the migration definition was created.
    • Object Migration Status: The migration status of the record corresponding to the specified Definition Name. The three migration status values are as follows:
      • Success - Set to Success, when the object import is completed successfully.
      • Saved - Set to Saved, when the migration definition is ready for import and needs to import.
      • Failed - Set to failed, when the migration definition is not imported successfully.
    • Last Modified By: The ID of the Last Modified by user who has modified the record.