OFSAA Environment

You can register OFSAA environment (Simulation and Production) from this page.


The user must be mapped to ENVACCESS role to view the OFSAA Environment option.
To register a OFSAA environment:
  1. Navigate to the OFSAA environment page.
    This page displays the OFSAA environments in a tabular format.
  2. Click Register Environment.
    The Register Environment page is displayed.

    Figure 7-29 Register a OFSAA Environment

    This image displays the registration of OFSAA Environment.

  3. Enter the environment Name. This field is mandatory.
  4. Enter the Description for the environment. This field is mandatory.
  5. In the Type field, select the environment as either Production or Simulation.
  6. In the Key field, select the required option from the drop-down and enter value for the selected property. You can add more properties by clicking Add More icon.
  7. Click Create.
    The OFSAA Environment is added and displayed in the OFSAA Environment page.
    You can view, edit, and delete OFSAA environments by clicking Actions icon.